Here’s a short but sweet BMX video from an afternoon session Michael Rösler caught at his local park. The film work on this is real clean and the riding is too. Good watch for sure.
“Little Video of a Sunset Session I had with Michael Rösler a few weeks ago. It´s short, because Michael unfortunately took a big slam after half an hour of filming and we coudn´t carry on. As I really liked the outcoming footage, I decided to make a Video out of it though. So this is what he came up with in about half an hour of filming. Enjoy!
Film/Edit: Lukas Faltenbacher
Contact: [email protected]
Thanks to the Guys over Videolink Rental Agency for their big Support!
Check them out here:
All Steadycam Shots in this Video were made with a System from Steadydrive. You can check them out here:
Song: Kamandi – Wolf Lord”