The BMX Box’s Raymond Inskipp, Karl Southern, Sean Kelly, Ben Marvin, Paul Fletcher and Pat loaded up for a trip to the Southsea area to check out a bunch of different parks. While they were there, they stopped at the 4Down and Seventies warehouses to get some time in on their ramps as well. This is the video they came home with. Real good.
The BMX Box – Karl Southern Welcome Edit
Karl Southern is now doing it for The BMX Box. Check out his huge bag of tricks that he throws down at a couple parks and street spots in this welcome edit. This dude is good!
Silksworth Jam
The BMX Box – Sean Kelly Welcome Edit
I believe this is the second edit we have seen out of Sean and his riding is so damn good. I have a feeling good things are coming for Sean if he keeps riding like this. Definitely check this one out!
“Sean Kelly killed it on his first web edit, so much that The Bmx Box (a rider owned bmx shop in sunderland) decided to get him on board and help him out. So here is the result of what happens when riders come together and help each other out. Seann woudlnt be where he is now without Lee at the bmx box so big thanks to him im sure.
Enjoy and go check the shop out!”