I’m not sure how many times we’ve got a sneak peek of the Terrible One Cyclops stem over the last 7 years… But here we go again! The Merged spotted this photo that Zodiac Engineering put up giving us a look at a potential “final” version before the production version that is coming out. Now, we’ve heard this all before, but maybe, just maybe, this time around it might be a real thing. I have faith that Ken at Zodiac has made it perfect enough to get Joe’s approval. Either way… I still want one after all these years.
Zodiac Engineering Bio Teaser
It looks like Yawn BMX is doing a bio on Zodiac Engineering that will be premiering on the 11th. This should be real interesting.
Ken Spaulding from Zodiac Engineering Interview
About a year or so ago, I sent Ken an interview about Zodiac Engineering that slipped through the cracks and ended up not happening with his mega work load. I’m psyched that The Merged caught him at a good time and got an interview about the company done since it’s real interesting and I think it will give you a few ideas of what’s to come in the future with some BMX products like that T1 Cyclops stem. Check it out!