Categories: BMX Videos

2015 SPoT Roast Bowl Jam


This past weekend, the annual SPoT Roast jam went down at the Skatepark of Tampa in Florida! As always, the night before they throw a bowl jam that is always filled with some dialed riding and good vibes as you can expect when you get a group of BMX riders like this together! Check out what went down in this new edit featuring Chad DeGroot, Seamus McKeon, Dillon Leeper, Matt Coplon, Luiz Pinzon, Spencer Foresman, Steven Nowack, Doug Fines, Kent Pearson, Jay Dalton, Brian Fox, Niles Harper, Billy Woodfin, Riley, Jordan, Jack Straiton, Norman Evans, Dre Tylee and James Lukas,

Filmed and edited by Brett Rohlfing
Song: William Haage – GBeat

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Skatepark of Tampa Roast 2015 BMX videoSkatepark of Tampa Roast 2015 BMX video