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300,000 Visitors and Funny Keywords

It’s been a busy week, but BMXuninon hit 300,000 visitors the other day. I thought I would put together a special little blog about what it took to get there, along with a whole bunch of really interesting keywords of how people got to the site that I compiled. Keep on reading if you are into some “LOL Material”.

In these 300,000 visitors, there has been 181 interviews, 22 reviews, 13 On the Horizons, and a few other random things that have culminated into 600 pages.

I just wanted to say thank you again to all the people who did interviews, the companies that wanted to do projects with me, the guys like Todd, Alex, and Brett who have helped out over the last year and a half of this site. I look forward to the next 300,000 visitors and I am excited to see where things go with time!

Back to the “LOL Material” I mentioned above. There has also been a little over 11,000 unique searches on search engines that have lead people to the site. I decided to waste a bunch of my time to go through this list and pull out a few interesting ones that I really didn’t get. I swear I didn’t make any of these up.

69. milf hunter bmx

I couldn’t make this up, The 69th most searched thing was that. I can’t believe it.

116. tj lavin girlfriend

Believe it or not, one of the most common searches that lead to my site was a pros name followed by girlfriend.

141. kyle carlson naked

Yeah, Kyle is a awesome dude. I was a little confused though, I quickly realized after a search that there is a gay porn star with the same name. Weird huh?

259. bmx ladys pictures

Chicks and BMX. It couldn’t be hotter.

791. meat spin

I laughed pretty hard to think out of all the websites with the words meat spin on them, BMXunion some how was found through all of that.

798. milf hunter

Confused, but love it.

802. naked bmx chicks

See 3 above. BMXers love porn.

888. “clock fell on her”

Weird? I can’t really understand this one.

994. bmx bike riding poem

Awe, somebodies girlfriend was trying to find a poem to give to their boyfriend. Something he (or she?)would actually read.

1,155. corey bohan long time girlfriend

Audrina was hot.. I won’t lie.

1,260. fuf with big ass

Quinn Semling? what?

1,748. www.redtube.cow


1,777. “ass ass titty titty” song

You know the words…

1,920. “lavar haters club”

Mike probably started that club.

1,941. “never want to come” “really want to go” song


1,994. “steve croteau” arrested

This one had a few different variations of it. Adam22 loves it.

2,023. “tom haugen,” sex

Tom is a real great friend, and somebody I have looked up to since day one of BMX. Never have I thought of him doing some acting.

2,515. are there any movies to do with bmxing

Apparently they haven’t heard of Youtube, or Rad.

2,578. bachelorette party blog pictures

Where can I find these?

2,588. baco bmx homosexuals?

Chad DeGroot ain’t scared.

2,882. blueprints on bmx dirt jumps

I want to be a professional trails designer.

4,106. brian kachinsky religion

Brian’s religion is being a man beast that destroys rails daily.

4,216. can you take off pawls to make freecoaster ?

I really hope this kid tried this. Trial and error.

5,048. does corey bohan have a girlfriend?

5,049. does daniel dhers have a girlfriend?

Daniel doesn’t have a girlfriend because he has soo many bitches he can’t stick to one.

6,042. homo bmx

6,043. homo street paris bmx

I’m not really sure what this is all about, I think it might be a Euro thing I don’t get.

6,063. hot women tied and gagged photos and videos

Seriously? I love the internet.

6,081. how did tom boyd die bmx

Tom Boyd from the Twin Cities is still alive? I saw him not that long ago?

6,098. how long does it take to get good at bmx?

I am willing to bet that little kid at the skate park who just started has asked you this.

6,169. how to peform a “homemade” abortion

All I have to say is “Wyatt Kreel”. You probably didn’t get that.

6,237. if i have a warrant for my arrest can i fly on an airplane

This is amazing.

6,238. if u are a kid how do u make his dick big

You pull and tug. Duh!

6,241. if you could change anything about pageantry, what would you change?

Replace pageantry with BMX, and you got one of my favorite questions.

6,362. is it true tom white cant barspin


6,452. jared chilko mom

I’m sure if she made a thread it would get 20 pages of comments too.

8,332. pictures of hyperdermic needles in the ass

I’m curious what this search was for…

10,024. tracheotomy pictures

This is a painful search…

10,133. uncut wild bachelorette parties

Once again, what is with BMXunion and bachelorette parties? haha

10,274. video of a mexican yelling yeah


10,727. www.sheshes strip

I want to go to this place!

So, that’s some of the weirdest searches I came across. I am really stoked people are into BMXunion, and some interesting other people happened to come across this by chance also. So thanks again for the 300,000 and I hope you are able to come back for the next 300,000!

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