4Down 1Up – On The Couch with Team Lacey

DIG caught up with Dan Lacey, Bruno Hoffmann and alternate Ben Lewis to talk about their experience with the 4Down 1Up filming! It sounds like the full videos are dropping soon and you are in for a treat… We may or may not have seen one of the videos from it and it was amazing…

We’ve been posting a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos from 4Down 1Up on our Insta over the past few weeks and now we’re almost ready to show you what’s been happening at the 4Down park in Hastings, UK. At the end of each 4Down 1Up session we got the teams together to get a little insight into the project and how each guy picked their counterpart. For the next four days we’ll be dropping these On The Couch video interviews – first up, Team Lacey!

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