Man, it’s been amazing seeing Scotty Cranmer making all this progress! Today, he decided it was time to try and start jumping his bike again for the first time since his accident that left him paralyzed for a bit. Scotty goes old school with the classic piece of wood and a few boards to build a little kicker. Check it out and see how far he pushes things without giving his mom and wife a complete heart attack!
“It has been 10 months since my crash and I have made unbelievable amounts of progress and I am going to keep working every day to get better and to return to my BMX. In this video I teach myself how to jump my BMX bike again! I set up a ramp just like I did when I was a kid when I learned how to jump the first time. I pushed myself to jump higher and farther and in this video I jump over big boy! It was awesome and I am so proud of the jump! Thank you all for the support!” – Scotty Cranmer