Casey is a fairly well known street rider from the Midwest scene and Sputnic flow rider. This interview was really suppossed to happen months ago back when that A.J guy was helping out with the site. I guess it got lost in the process, so I shot him some fresh questions and waited for his new edit to drop. This is what came from it. Enjoy, and leave him a little love in the comments!
Casey D Strong
Currently Milwaukee WI
Years riding:
I think about 8 years now?
What was it that got you into BMX in the first place?
My oldest brother Travis was all about bikes, and he rode BMX along with mountain, road, etc. He pretty much was my main influence he built my first ramp out of a milk crate and plywood, and took me to my first skate park.
How are things going with Sputnic these days? What do you got going on with them, any trips or anything like that going on?
Things with Sputnic are great, a lot of things are going on with the company mainly with Johnny leaving. With Johnny leaving Ronnie B has been in a way running it all, and taking ideas from everybody on the team as to what should be the future for Sputnic. As trips, we do plan on have a couple but that most likely wont be until spring or summer. Me and Mike Hinkens are going to Florida over winter break though so i guess that could count.
Being a Midwest rider, you are no stranger to the cold and snow that will be here all to soon. What are your plans to make it through the winter?
Winter is the worst thing ever. I hate the bitter cold, and even more so i hate the snow. I basically shuts down the street spots and forces you into the park. Although i am luck enough to have 4seasons so close i would much rather ride outside. My plans to attempt to survive the winter are spending a few weeks in Florida riding bikes.
You are living in one of the best scenes in the country with riders like Jeff K, Lil Jon, Mike Hinkens and so many more. Do you ever feel like that plays on your level of progression?
Mike, Jeff, and Jon are all amazing people and bike riders. I have been lucky enough to grow up riding with these guys, mainly Mike and that’s probably why i like street so much. But being able to ride with guys on their level on a daily basis definitely plays a role on progression because of it motivates me to try and learn new things that these guys make look easy.
Outside of those bigger named guys, who are you usually out riding with?
Grant C, Jeff Dowhen, and Nate W. All these dudes kill it. There are a whole bunch of other people that i ride with but these are probably the main three dudes besides Mike that i ride with.
You have had the chance to travel a bit these days, where are some of your favorite places you have had the chance to ride?
I was really stoked on Florida in winter. Good weather, good dudes, good spots. Michigan was pretty fun. I cant even remember where else i have been.
Do you have any trips in the works or places you would like to go sometime?
Sputnic has a few plans for trips coming next summer if everything works out. I would like to go somewhere out of this country, Barcelona looks amazing.
I would imagine you are still brakeless, so do you plan on ever running brakes again?
Still brakeless, will always be too. My first bike was the only bike that had brakes, a DK fury. The brakes lasted a good 3 weeks before the cable broke and smashed the lever off with a hammer.
Your new Sputnic edit just dropped, are you filming for anything else from video parts to web videos?
Not really filming for anything in specific at the time.
What is something about BMX that frustrates you the most?
How serious it has become. I would also say the X GAYmes.
If you were going on a road trip with 5 people, who would you want to be on the trip and where would you want to go?
Mike Hinkens, Johnny Devlin, Grant C, Nate W, and Jamie Bestwick. I think i would probably pick Athens Georgia, that place seems pretty crazy.
Where would you like to see BMX go in the next few years?
What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
Pretty sure I would be a professional parachuter.
Outside of riding what are you usually up to?
I guess outside of BMX, i am either working, or riding some other bike. I race road bikes in the summer, and usually commute to work on a bike. Also ride cyclocross.
Were you aware there is another Casey Strong who can lift a shit load of weight?
No i wasn’t, but i did know there was a baseball player with the same name.
Do you work or go to school at all?
I work, kinda gave up on school for the time being.
What is the craziest thing you have experienced in your life?
Having a bike change the way i live.
If you could be sponsored by any thing that does or does not have any involvement in BMX, who would you pick and why?
The Green Bay Packers, because football is sweet! Probably Levis though, because of their amazing health insurance for the riders.
How’s your criminal record looking? Any good stories?
My record is pretty clean, but i do have a warrant for my arrest for a unpaid ticket in Philly. The ticket was for riding my bike on the sidewalk.
If you couldn’t live where you live now, and couldn’t live in the Midwest at all. Where would you move and why?
I think Portland Oregon, the place seems really awesome. I would have said Florida, but i would die in the heat.
What kind of music are you into these days?
I have been really into Modest Mouse lately. I jam a lot of old shit too, like CCR, The Doobie Brothers, Kansas, Johnny Cash. List goes on.
Have you seen any good movies lately?
The Dark Knight, so good.
What are some of your favorite websites?
Not going to hide it
If you could live like anyone else in this world, who would you pick and why?
Brett Favre, he is a legend.
What would you do if you found a sack of money that you know is not legit?
I would try to do something legit with it like give it to charity, probably pocket some of it though.
What is the worst/dumbest/funniest thing you have ever spent your money on?
Ha, i bought a Mens work out magazine, box of Trojan Magnum XL condoms, along with the toilet paper that Matt Coplan asked me to pick up. That or the giant dildo that me and my roommates bought, no homo.
How do you feel about Obama being elected as president?
I think its pretty cool, i voted for him. Hopefully things will start to get better in the country and i dont have to kick myself in the ass.
What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Get my knee fixed, fly on a airplane, find a way to not have to work, end my dependence on a automobile completely and do a BMX trip across the county on a bike.
If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do and why?
Double homicide, because two is better than one. haha.
What is the most embarrassing thing you have done while intoxicated?
Since i don’t drink, i don’t have a good story. I have done some pretty dumb shit while sober though.
If you could change anything about the world, what would you change and why?
I would make Rollerblades illegal.
What is some of the best advice you could give somebody?
I guess do what you think is right, fuck the trends.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Mike Hinkens for putting up with my shit and helping me get to where i am at, Johnny Devlin for being a great friend and helping me get to where i am, Ronnie Bonner at Sputnic for giving me a chance, Ralph and Omar at Animal for all the help, Jeff K for making me jump on shit, Jeff G and 4seasons skate park, Grant C for being a good friend and filming, Kyle Kompas for having fun on his bike helping me to do the same, my mom for being my first sponsor, Jake G for the photos, everybody from Milwaukee who i ride with, Tippy, Jason Minor, Ernie, and Kurt for doing this interview.
Anything else you would like to say?
Yeah thanks if you actually took the time to read this.