Andy has appeared in two videos I have seen. Those would be Lateral Progression and Innocent Bystanders “Debts Coming” where he had full parts. After seeing Lateral Progression about two weeks ago I asked Mike Hines to get me in contact with Andy for this. Andy is one of those names that has been popping up a little bit here and there lately, so I wanted to ask him some questions. Check it out and leave him some comments!

Andy AKA “Floyd” “Ranimal” “Floyd Gondoli” “Floyd the roid” and anything else Grady comes up with when hes ragin.
Where did you get the nickname “Floyd” and what’s the story behind that?
hahahaha, I was riding at Grady’s ramps and he first started calling me Randy, which turned into Randal Pink Floyd (from dazed n confused), and then it just turned into Floyd. Since then, I have accumulated dozens of nic-names. Grady just introduces me as Floyd now, and McKinney calls me Pink.
Tucson is my home, but I spend a lot of time in Brea CA, and NYC
Revenge Industries, Team Shralp, IB (Innocent Bystander), and gettin some flow from Rob-O
Years riding:
Raced from 8-11, so about 8 years doing what I do now.
What was it that first got you hooked on BMX? What keeps you going today?
My neighbor got a bike, showed me a BMX plus, and have been hooked since then. Fresh pools and cuts spots.
I saw something about you on the Fit site a little while ago. What’s going on with all that? Do you have any other sponsor stuff going on?
I’ve been talkin to Rob-O for awhile, he just hooked me up with a DAK frame, just tryin to get my shit out there for people to see. Working on filming for the Team Shralp video and trying to get some stills for McKinney, but fools are lagging on taking pics.
Seeing as most of the country is unable to ride due to snow, hows the riding going down in Arizona? Have you been taking advantage of that?
All day every day, even when its 115° out. Theres always someone down to ride around here.
I would imagine you have a pretty sweet list of spots down there. If you had to pick your all time favorite, what one would you pick and why?
Probably this pool we had going for awhile called the black desert snake. The first time Grady and I tried to ride it, there was this crazy black snake almost guarding the pool, we almost stepped on it, and the sessions that went down were sick, with lots of memories
Where is a spot or two you have always dreamed about going to? Any reason why you want to go there so bad?
Barcelona Spain, the street set ups look amazing, and Edwin said they have the best street, and he’s been everywhere.
I have been seeing some really amazing cement parks popping up all over Arizona and the Southwest lately. What keeps you more into street than the parks?
Two words, “park whores”. Parks are alright, I’ve just been to so many in the NW that the parks around here don’t even compare, It’s just the same shit over and over.
You have already had two full video parts. One in the Innocent Bystander video, and then recently in Lateral Progression. How do you feel about those video parts? Have you been doing much filming lately for anything at all?
Well, I guess those are my “full parts”, the IB part could have been a lot better because they didnt use all of my clips, but thats how it goes I guess. The clicked video was alright, I just threw a bunch of clips together. I am putting out my KRIMZEN video in late 2009, so be ready for that. I am also fimling for the Team Shralp video which I think will be in the bone deth video.
What trick took you the longest to learn? Are you one to give up on something if it’s “too hard”?
Probably the nose press, it’s a trick that you can never have completely dialed. I won’t give up on a trick, but if im out riding/filming and im bustin my ass 50 times, I’ll just say fuck it and come get it another day.
Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your riding?
Hamilton and Stricker mainly, BF, pretty much the whole Animal crew and my boy Grady, cause he always makes it a good time.

Are you into contests at all? How do you feel about those?
Not into them at all. I’m not into people riding to show off for a crowd. The smaller, rider organized comps are good, like all the FBM, bone deth, and the Red Bull dirt comps are pretty sick.
You are invited on a road trip with a bunch of your favorite pros, and the exact same time there is a road trip with a bunch of your friends. Which one do you go on and why?
Because everyone is being so salty right now, I would say the pros.
Are you one of the guys who ride listening to music, or are you not a fan of that? What kind of music gets you excited about riding?
I listen to music all the time, rarely when i ride, unless im riding solo. It depends on my mood really, anything from Judas Priest to Joy Division, Wu, and Biggie
Actually, what are the things that really get your dick hard to ride? (I hope you have seen Step Brothers to get that one)
Fresh pools and cuts spots.
What is one trend you would love to see blow up in BMX? If you say girl pants coming back this is over…
Lay back seat posts and frame stands. I dont follow the trends so i dont care if they ever come back really
In your own opinion… What is BMX all about?
Getting a session with your friends, bust a few tricks (no homo) and have some laughs, maybe a tall can of some Schaefer or a country club 40
If you could change anything about BMX at all, what would you change and why?
Everyone being salty, so that Tucson could actually have a real scene instead of everyone hatin on everyone else.
What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
I dont even know, probably nothin good, everyone I grew up with and rode with back in day got into some bad shit after they stopped riding.
What are you up to when your not riding your bike?
Working on videos cause I got a crazy amount of random clips. Hangin with friends and looking for spots.
Do you do the school or work thing at all?
Just started school, takin a class on video editing. No work right now, the economy is in the shitter so there aint no work to be had.
In a perfect world, other than being a pro BMX rider, what would your dream job be?
Jenna Jameson’s fluffer, or makin videos, something to do with video production.
What is your all time favorite food?
A good burrito or a good burger

Photo: Bob Scerbo
What is something you are horrible at, but wish you had the power?
Probably drawing, I can’t draw for shit
How are you with the ladies? What is the key to those locked panties?
Straight lying your ass off, and start workin on em when they are 17 so when they turn 18 it’s all good hahahaha. No, I dont know, flowers and poetry?
If somebody offered you $200. Would you go in the ring with a UFC fighter for 10 minutes?
FUCK THAT, I need at least a thousand
What is the most disgusting thing to come to mind? What would it take to get you to do it?
Well thats a tough one because my boy Juan Lokes has come up with some of the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
What are some of the most valued things in your life?
My bike, my family, camera, computer, and I-pod
Are you into cars at all? If you could be rolling around in any vehicle right now, what would you want to be in?
The GRAVE DIGGER, hands down
What is the meaning of life?
Friends and good times
What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next 5 years?
Get as many bitches as EAZY, without the AIDS. Possibly a job fimling or editing of some kind.
A dude comes up to you and attempts to rob you at knife point… What do you do?
That shit happens regularly in my hood, but then they realize they know me, and sell me a DVD player for $12
Who would win in a fight between Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus?
My money is on Lindsay cause shes always coked out and raging, and shes covered in freckles, so shes gotta be pissed about that.
If you could be anywhere in the world this very second, where would you want to be?
Probably here cause everywhere else is like 0°, maybe Barcelona if the weather is good.
If you could change anything about this world, what would you want different?
No security guards
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Just the other day my boy Grady said “aint nothin but peanut butter and jealousy”
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
SFH, Troy McMurray, Sean McKinney, Rob-O, Mike Hines for puting out the video and all my other clips, the whole crew in Tucson, Grady for always puttin shit in perspective, Chandler, Deans Dream thanks for the shirt, just came in today, TEAM SHRALP, IB, Clicked, KRIMZEN, mom, (and the mom pool), and anyone else that I have had a ridden with, or let me crash on their floor,GC crew.
Anything else you would like to say?
Thanks for the interview. Everyone keep their eyes open, KRIMZEM video droppin late 2009