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Props is now shipping all the pre-orders for Megatour 10. You can order a copy here or wait a few days and it will be on iTunes.
“Megatour 10 Teams
Steve Crandall (TM), Garrett Guilliams, Adam Guilliams, Darryl Nau, Tom Blyth, Eric Hennessey, Kenny Horton, Joel Barnett & Evan Venditti
Jim Cilencki (TM), Alex Magallan, Eric Lichtenberger, Garrett Reeves, Jake Seeley, Mike Gonzales, Gary Young & Aaron Ross
Grant Smith (TM), Tony Malouf, Kriss Kyle, Mike ‘Jersey’ Taylor, Antony Lille, Reed Stark & Chris Brown
Dude Bird
Brett Rohlfing (TM), Spencer Foresman, Cabe Crisler, Zack Gerber, Dave Mahoney, Paul Radosevich & Jordan Pope
Parts & Labor | “Hurricane”“