
Take a look at how Rick Moliterno runs a day at the Standard Bykes headquarters in Iowa!

It’s always cool seeing what goes on inside BMX companies since sometimes it’s easy to forget just how much goes on behind the scenes. Here’s a video where we get a day in the life of Rick Moliterno and what goes on inside the Standard Bykes warehouse in Iowa. This has a little bit of everything from spotting eagles on the drive into work and getting coffee and food, to a tour of the front office and shop, along with a look at production of frames. There’s even some riding on the Margarita Ramps in the shop as well! This is a real good watch, so get on that play button and check it out!

I spent a chilly Saturday back in March with Rick Moliterno and the boys at Standard Byke Company. I wanted an inside view to some of the inner workings of an American made bmx company.” – Jerrod Glasgow

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