Categories: Interview

Aaron Smith Interview

Photo: Brian Castillo

Aaron is one of those east coast riders that has really kicked a lot of ass the past two years or so. There were always a few clips here and there, then once he started picking up a few sponsors that really gave him the opportunity to travel and ride more, his riding progressed an insane amount. These days, he’s been bouncing around all over and just killing it on everything he comes across. We figured it was well overdue that we caught up with Aaron to find out what’s new with him, what he has cooking in the near future and just to learn a little bit more about what he’s about! Let’s see what he had to say!

Name: Aaron Smith

Photo: Brian Castillo

Location: New Hampshire

Sponsors: Kink Bikes, Demolition parts, Bad Timing, Eastern Boarder, Rye Airfield skatepark, Muscle Milk

Years riding: 10+ years

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
I used to ride my bike to school and I started jumping off curbs and stuff like that. There was only one skate park that was an hour away and all it had was a 6ft mini with vert on it. So I basically built some jumps in my yard and went from there.
I drive through my home town now and look at all these rocks and mulch lips that I used to ride and start laughing. It just shows you don’t need much to have fun.

Photo: Brian Castillo

How are things going with Kink these days? Your signature color way on the Titan frame has been out for a little while now. Have you been working on any other signature goods with them?
Things with Kink are good, they are always there to help with anything I need. Yeah, it just came out, I’m pretty hyped on it. Nothing really in the works, hopefully another colorway or something soon.

Aaron’s signature Burnt Orange Titan frame.

I know you have to have some sort of trip lined up with them. Where are you heading with the Kink guys here in the future?
I’m going to Austin in December to hang out for a couple weeks. We get our budget in January so we will start traveling again then. Lots of good trips coming up this year. No specific destinations set though.

How about things with Demolition? Your new signature “Live Free or Die” pivotal seat just came out, right?
Demolition is awesome! Brian is always down for new ideas. Yeah, my seat just came out a couple weeks ago

You have a signature stem that will be out here soon as well, right? Can you tell us about that? Any other signature parts in the works?
It should be available in March. It’s a top load stem, that is a little wider and shorter than the current stems they offer. Nothing else in the works, I just talked to Brian about possibly doing a bar, but that’s just an idea right now.

What else do you have cooking with them? Any trips or anything you’re looking forward to?
I’ll be heading to California in January to work on a stem promo. I’m flying out with Doyle so that should be a good time.

That promo for your signature hat from the Orange Line Project turned out super good. When did you start working on that whole project from the hat to the video?
Thanks man! It was Lee Hopkins idea, we started brainstorming about the hats in mid to late summer. It all came together pretty organically. We would just go cruise around the city a couple days a week. I’m glad it all came together, I’m psyched how the hats came out.

Any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
Muscle milk just started helping me out this year. Hopefully we will be doing more together in the future.

So it seems like this past year or two, things have really taken off for you with all the new signature products, tons of traveling and everything. Did you ever think you would be where you are today with things?
Not really. I definitely try to not take it for granted. BMX careers are short, so I try not to pass anything up.

Photo: Brian Castillo

Are you still working these days or are you fully focused on riding bikes and all of the responsibilities that comes with that?
I’m lucky enough to just be focused on riding right now.

Obviously you have clocked a ton of miles this past year. Where all have you had the chance to go looking back on 2013? What was your favorite place?
This year I went to Haiti, Jamaica, New Mexico, Cayman Island, Costa Rica, Canada and traveled around the US. The Kink team went on a cruise this year, that was definitely my favorite trip.

Where is one place you haven’t had the chance to go, but really hope you can make it happen here soon?
There are too many to list. Barcelona, Venice, South Africa, this list goes on.

What are your plans for the winter? Are you going to be sticking it out on the East Coast or are you planning a little extended vacation somewhere warm?
I’ll be back and forth. I live close to Rye Airfield skatepark, so that keeps me busy when I’m home.

I know you just had that new promo edit for Orange Line Project come out, but have you been working on any other videos? When can we expect some more footage from you to surface?
I’ve been working on a Kink edit for most of the year, that should be out in January.

Where have you been getting most of your riding time in these days? Any hot spots you have been stoked on?
When I’m home I try and ride Boston as much as I can. So many good spots in that city.

Do you ever get burned out from riding all the time? What are some of the things you do to keep things fresh for yourself?
I’ve been home for a couple months and everyone works full time, so there isn’t always someone to ride with. I don’t like riding by myself so when someone wants to ride these days I get pretty psyched. So basically riding with friends is what keeps it fresh for me.

What do you think you would be doing these days if you never got into BMX?
I would have finished college and been doing something with fitness and nutrition.

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding these days? Any other hobbies or things you’re real good at?
I’ve been playing golf lately. I’m terrible and it’s frustrating but it’s been fun.

I feel like I heard you were pretty into hitting the gym and everything, right? Do you take that pretty seriously or is it just something to help keep your body from falling apart from the abuse it takes from riding?
I wouldn’t say I take it serious. Our bodies take a lot of abuse and I just try and do what I can to stay riding.

BMX has its way of teaching people a lot of crazy things from the different places, people and everything you come in contact with. What’s something you feel you never would have learned from school because of it?
Just experiencing other cultures is something a lot of people don’t get to do. Being in a poor country will make appreciate what you have.

Who were some of your biggest influences growing up? What about today?
Dave Mirra, Nyquist, Joey Garcia, Doyle, Aiken, Joe Rich, Taj, Van Homan and Garrett Byrnes.
Today that list is still strong but I would add Sean Sexton, Dakota Roche, Sean Burns and anyone else I ride with on a regular basis.

Photo: Brian Castillo

Let’s say it’s Friday night. What are you getting into? What makes for a good night out for you?
I’m getting pretty mellow as I get older. It used to be partying and staying up all night. Now it’s a good meal, a movie and in bed by 12.

Let’s say you end up winning the lottery. Were talking millions. What’s the very first thing you buy?
Who knows, probably some expensive car.

What’s something about yourself that might surprise people?
I can’t really do feeble grinds. I need like a two foot wide ledge or I’m not doing it.

If you could have any super power, what would you pick and why?
Wolverines power, he’s pretty sick.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Owning a business and still riding as much as possible.

How can people keep up with you these days? You’re on Instagram, Twitter and all that social media stuff, right?
Instagram is about it. I have Facebook but I’m maxed out, so I can’t add new friends. @Asmithnh is my insta handle.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Kink, Demolition and everyone else who has helped me out.

Anything else you want to say
That’s about it!

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