Al DiMino

You have been repping MirraCo a lot lately, what do you got going on with them?
Long story short..went to interbike in 06 seen the red blend pro frame ,talked with the Mirraco reps and Bart de Jong from Fatbmx for a bit about the Mirraco products. Afew months passed and I received a call from Mirraco and they said they liked what I do for bmx and were sending me a frame and bars. I recently am riding a 20.25 blue blend.

What have you been up to lately, I noticed you just at a jam the other day?
SICK! BMX massacre contest at h-town was a fun time. Teams, made up of 4 riders competing made it very entertaining. Nothing but goodtimes. My team won the event took home the trophy.
Are you still working full time, or do you have more time to ride now days?
I been working a full time job, the medical coverage is the only plus on that deal but it still doesn’t cover all expenses. I’m trying to knock down some medical bills ya know. As far as riding ,during the week I ride street for a bit usually with a few locals then off to my night job. I ride the whole weekend and hit up as many spots as possible.
I saw you were rocking a full face lately, how come?
After getting my grill smashed on the trails and took a few slams on the head I kinda figured its time to take a break away from the emergency room. I had a couple of concussions so I am just playing it safe.
What are some of the things you got planned over the winter?
To keep on shreddin of course. Gonna plan a road trip for a vacation week and visit a few spots I’ve never rode.
It seems like there has been a few new videos of you up on the internet lately, are you working on any video parts or anything?
I would like to have a solid riding video but I never seem to have a cameraman present when I’m riding. I really need to hook up with someone with a good camera and shoot some footy. Sometimes I get some footage but its not hi def quality and just edit it to share with riders on internet.
Do you have any bmx invasion projects planned?
I have to start promoting the next bmxinvasion bike battle contest #8 in a few more weeks . The location is undecided at this time. Recenty brought back the BMXinvasion t shirts ,the whip design is becoming a favorite on the streets. Just wanna say that BMXinvasion is about promoting fun. I hope to keep it alive as long as I can. Its been nothing but good times for sure.
Rumor has it Spider Man was seen doing flairs on your bike the other day, are you guys friends or what?
I don’t want to disclose the identity of spiderman but lets just say I know him very well and he likes to borrow my ride once in while…. hahah

What are some of the new stuff your working on, I saw a turndown flair recently didn’t I?
yep the flair turn down got that dilaled in , I try to learn a trick then work on adding a combination. I have been also working on some bar spin stuff.

You post up on a fair amount, what do you think about forums like those?
Bike guide as well other bmx forums are full of general knowledge, I like reading reviews of new parts looking a bike checks . I also enjoy the feedback haha theres times when you get the haters putting in their 2 cents in but its all good.
Where are some of the places you have gotten to ride this year?
Baltimore dew tour was the best and theres been a bunch of riding spots around the tri state area I’ve been shreddin lately.

Are there any places you haven’t been that you would like to see?
I’d like to visit europe, places like Musso trails in France. I’d like to make a euro tour if I can swing the funds.
What kind of music are you into?
Anything that makes me go crazy, heavy metal is always on my play list.
What are some things you would like to accomplish in 08′? How about in the next 5 years?
I’d like to travel to a few places the midwest scene is bangin. Like to meet up with some riders like Dustin Griess from interbmx, Art D’Ambrosio from lake own camp and of course you and your crew. Who knows what the future will bring but I am thinking about college maybe get a few credits to have in the bank for a future job. I really would like to keep my energy involved somewhere in the bmx industry.
Who are some people you would like to ride with you haven’t had a chance to yet? I’ve been riding woodward about once a month and been sessioning with the big names in bmx so much fun those guys they push each other break balls its sure is good times when they’re around. I walk in and theres Jamie Bestwick pointing his finger at me says this is for you and he pulls a doulblewhip flair haha so good. But one person that comes to mind to ride with is Mat Hoffman

Any thanks or shout outs?
My folks who are always supportive. Team Manager Abe Ford who is one rad dude. Mirraco bikes for the frames , Long distance shout out to Rob Harrison in Germany at Fuse protection WTP head quarters for providing me with the best safety gear. All the bmxinvasion fans, supporters and riding buddies. West coast holla to Ricky ratt and Ryan Barspinner and the list can go on an on.
Any last words or things you would like to add?
If you are involved in BMX and you are not doing everything you can to make people happy about BMX and make them want to be involved in BMX, then you are a detriment to this sport. Invade the scene in your own way and have fun.
