
I could have swore Chris was riding for that Mafia Bikes company? I guess I was wrong…

Chris is one hell of a guy!

He recently moved to Belfast, Ireland to help build the T13 skatepark, he spends day in, day out building crazy ramps, drinking tea and teaching kids to ride.

In the mean time Chris has all the fun on his bike anyone could ask for, something that has finally been recognised by ZEAL BMX distribution’s in house brand, ALONE.

He spent a few days down with me shooting his ‘Welcome’ edit in which time he proved that he is not shy of sending a big tailwhip… Or falling off a sub box amongst other things..

Song: Foster The People – Houdini

Filmed on a Canon 550D, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Samyang 8mm Fisheye and edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 by Mike King for ALONE BMX.


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