Categories: Interview

Andrew Dubicki Interview

Andrew is one of those kids I had never heard about. From time to time I will get emails from people who have a friend who they feel really deserves coverage. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. In this case I gave it a shot and it turns out that he is a very talented kid who is very content with what hes got. Enjoy and leave him some comments.

Andrew Dubicki

Manchester Maryland


Years riding:
about 4


What was it that originally got you into BMX and what keeps you going today?
well i cant really remember a time where i wasn’t jumping my bike but i guess i really started to get into it because a few guys in my neighborhood would always ride after school so it kind of just became a habit after awhile.and what keeps me going today hmm…its just fun haha i love just cruisin around and being outside always seeing and experiencing new things.

I am sure the majority of the people who will see this are going “who the hell is Andrew Dubicki?” Your a real talented kid, how come your so low key?
haha im not really sure. i guess because i just kinda stay around my area and when i do go to farther places i do a lot more watching than riding.

Did you grow up racing or riding trails much or has it just been park and street for you?
I started racing but only stuck with it for a few months. the closest track was in york PA which is an hour away so it was a drag to go there every week. after racing i was really into dirt for a few years but now im normally just riding park or street but i definitely like a trail sesh every few weeks.

Your real dialed when it comes to street riding, what are some of your favorite set ups and what is a dream spot for you?
thanks man. my favorite set ups are probably rails and railhops. they are real fun but are still pretty scary. and my dream spot would just be somewhere where you can do little nib jib things and find new lines. i really like to ride at colleges and places like that because everything looks cool and makes normal spots different.

What is the longest rail you have gone down, and what is the biggest you have gone up?
haha well i think ive gone down an 8 or something. maybe 9. i hate going down rails i always seem to fall. ive gone up a 12 or something like that.

What is the scene like from where you are from?
i live in the middle of 2 groups of riders which is awesome. there are always people who are down to ride.

Have you had the chance to travel much at all?
a little bit. i really like to travel but im perfectly happy being home. on my bike ive gone to a lot of places in PA like philly, erie, and lancaster just to name a few and i get the chance to go to baltimore and college park a few times a month. off my bike ive gone to Grenoble in france and canada.

Where are some places you would like to go?
i wouldnt mind going back to europe again. i saw tons of places to ride and the food was really good.

This seems to be a popular question, what is your best story of something crazy happening while out riding involving cops/security/homeless/hookers/etc?
i really cant seem to stay out of trouble whether im riding or not. the cops in my town are pretty ridiculous when it comes to riding were constantly being chased and hassled. a few stories that stand out is when we were riding the harbor in baltimore and my friend got into to a fist fight with a cop. it was awesome. apparently he thought it was a security guard and didnt think he would do anything. another was about a month ago we thought it would be a good idea to go camping and drink in a state park. it wasnt a good idea. the rangers ended up coming but were pretty cool and only called my parents because i was under 18.

What are some of your biggest inspirations when it comes to BMX?
i get really pumped when people do something big that they arent sure they can do.

If you could change anything about BMX what would it be and why?
i cant really think of anything i would change. a little less bitching and caring and more variety would be nice.

Outside of riding what are you up to?
in the past few months ive really gotten into photography. i also like to go fishing every once in awhile and just hanging out. music is good too.

Do you work or go to school at all?
nah i dont work. im about to go into my senior year of highschool. im home schooled which is pretty cool get to sleep in a little and ride pretty much whenever i want to.

Have you ever been in a fight or arrested and why? If not, why not?
no because im a bitch

I noticed you are into filming and editing. What kind of a set up are you using from cameras to editing?
im not really big into it but i really do enjoy it. i only have a little $200 video camera. but to edit i use final cut i dont really know how to use anything on it though just the basics.

If you could be professional at any sport other than BMX, what would you choose and why?
hm thats hard. ive never really done anything i enjoyed doing other than bmx but probably racing 4 wheelers. i dont get to ride mine that much but its always a good time when i do.

In your opinion, what is the best band to ever exist?
oh man there are so many.lately ive been real into have heart and modest mouse.any indie stuff and most hardcore stuff.

Seen any good movies lately?
i dont watch too many movies but the last one i saw was national treasure 2 which was ok.

Have you ever had a pick up line work on a girl?
all the time but they are definitely not attractive.

If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do and why?
be able to ride in a parking lot and not get a $200 fine. that shit gets expensive.

A good night of partying consists of…
friends music shane powell high life all after a long day of riding.

If you could have a life-time supply of anything, what would it be and why?
camera batteries. there is nothing worse than setting up for a picture and running out of batteries.

Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite sites?
when im home im on the computer about 50% of the time.i only really get on 2 websites. the come up and myspace.

Who or what are the biggest influences on your life?
my family and friends. my parents are always pretty cool with me going riding and helping me out with bike parts when i need them.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
i would like to go to school for photography after high school and hopefully still riding and being happy.

What is the best advice you could give a person?
have fun.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
garrett reeves, carlos veliz, chris and colby richard, bryan heiser, gary eaton and everyone else i ride with for keeping it sweet

Anything else you would like to say?
thats a lot for reading!

week edit from andrew dubicki on Vimeo.

Untitled from andrew dubicki on Vimeo.

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