Categories: BMX Videos

Austin Miller – Summer Favorites



One of the best parts about waking up every day is checking out all of the different submissions for the Daily Section that we get from all over the world. Because of it, I’ve ended up talking to people I’ve never met from countries I’ve never been to more than people I grew up with that I still see pretty frequently. Austin Miller might not be from another country, but there’s no denying that he’s always actively sending through new videos he put together for us to check out. We were talking a little while back and decided it would be rad to feature one of his videos, so he went out and stacked a few clips over the last few months he was stoked on. The footage might be a little rough and it’s not the craziest riding to ever grace the internet, but it’s rad because Austin went out of his way to put in work for this video for us all to check out. So hit that play button and take a peek! Shout out to Austin and everyone that chipped into film a clip or two for him.

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