AveBmx – Miłosz Siajkowski Welcome Edit

AveBmx: Miłosz Siajkowski – Welcome to the Team from AveBmx on Vimeo.

AveBMX added Miłosz Siajkowski to the team, and there is no question as to why once you watch this. It starts off strong and builds from there. Here’s AveBMX’s statement on the matter:

We have met Milosz for the first time during AveBmx Tour in 2011. Since that time we knew that this kid definitely will have future in BMX. In 2013, he joined AveBmx Friends Crew and took part in Spontan Trip, which has shown us that Milosz is a perfect candidate for our Team. First of all, Milosz is a very cool and positive person. Moreover, his skills in park and street riding are amazing. Make sure to check his welcome edit as soon as possible 🙂 .

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