The Battle of Hastings Plaza edits from Source BMX continue to flow. Here’s a look at what Simone Barraco and Joris Coulomb cooked up for their part. Joris ended up getting hurt halfway through, so they substituted Nico Badet in for the remainder of the filming session. Needless to say, the 3 of these guys cooked up some real solid riding over the course of an hour.
“Check out 9th Place Team Baracco in the SourceBMX Plaza Edits.
Riders: Simone Barraco | Joris Coloumb
The Plaza Sessions: Each team picked two riders to film an edit in the Source Park Plaza. The riders were given just 1 hour to come up the edit which counted towards their team score. Filmed by Rich Forne and Will Stroud – edited by Peter Adam.
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