Coalition BMX just posted this web ad of Tammy doing a nice flatty gap that was shot during the filming of his last Amity Bikes edit. This dude likes to have fun and go fast so we thought we would try to catch up with him and find out a little bit more about the photo and what else is new…
What park is the picture from? It’s the Carmel Valley Skatepark
Where’s the park? In beautiful San Diego, California
Any projects coming up that people should know about? The Trip and Blunted Athletics are dropping summer lines and we have promos we are filming for and trips planned. I’m exited. Be ready ridaz!!!
Any new stuff with coalition?
Yes, I’m actually driving up the coast with my good good friend and Coalition Parts TM, Matt Colisch, to Portland. Shawn Mcintosh lives there and David is getting a one way there to do work so we all are going to do our thing and stay productive.I’m super amped on traveling. #dreams… hit the twitter and website for updates of all the FUN- @CoalitionBMX or
Are there any good stories behind the shoot?
Yeah, I had a great ass time and got this edit done for Amity. There’s big plans in the future.! Smile on and go celebrate YOUR life!
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