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Bikeguide + The Union


Sometime back around 2006, I joined the forum Bikeguide after a friend had told me about it. I remember him talking about all these people who posted up bike checks, riding photos and videos, tips on how to fix and modify bikes, and you could even buy and sell your parts. It all sounded pretty cool. I was already obsessed with BMX and surrounded myself with it as much as possible at this time, so it seemed like this was a good place to feed the addiction even more.
Before I knew it, I was constantly checking out the forum and meeting people from all over the world that rode and was even checking out some of the first web videos to hit the internet which was a pretty big deal back when creating a video wasn’t nearly as easy and accessible as it is today.

I know that Bikeguide was definitely one of the influences that caused me to start The Union in the first place too. In fact, Sheepdog, the guy who created the forum was one of the first interviews I had done back in 2007.

Over the years, the forum stayed true to what it was created for. Then, a while back, after looking at the out dated front end of the forum that featured all sorts of things like a spoke calculator, tech advice, and tutorials that were still beneficial but some what irrelevant because it referred to parts that haven’t even been available in years, I got an idea that I proposed to Sheepdog. Bringing The Union and Bikeguide together to help grow both sites.

We aren’t merging or anything and we will remain two separate sites with our original URL’s, but we are working together to bring you two awesome websites toghether to help you stay connected with all the latest videos, news, products and more in BMX. As of today, The Union has replaced the out dated front page of Bikeguide, which will now feature our original interviews, videos, photo galleries, reviews and more like with have since 2007, along with all the latest videos, news, products and more in the Daily section. Bikeguide will continue to be a community for everyone to get to know other riders like yourself, post up your latest videos, photos and bike setup, buy and sell parts and more.

We now have links to the forum up top in the navigation and along the right side in the links. If you haven’t heard of Bikeguide or you haven’t checked in, in a while, I definitely suggest you give it a look by clicking here. You will definitely find something that you want to check out on there.

We’re real excited about this news and we hope you guys are too. There’s definitely going to be a lot of good things coming from this so keep checking back!

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