We’re not quite sure whose birthday it was, but we do know there was a trails jam for them and it looks like it was a damn good time. Take a few laps from the GoPro camera of Manuel Hitz as some of the crew get some riding in. Based off the sidelines, it looks like there was a good turn out for this party and we’re sure things got rowdy after the camera was turned off! Plus, you can’t go wrong with some Lynyrd Skynyrd!
“Riders: Yann, Max, Adrien, Manu
Thanks to the diggers: Adrien, Yann, Bastien, Jéjé, Julien, David, Max
Thanks to the family: Daminou, Alex, Fuego, Nitch Yoann, Nitch Borel, Flav, Vince, Santi, Stephen
Music: Lynyrd Skynyrd – Last of a Dyin’ Breed” – Manuel Hitz
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