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BMX Active!

So heres the deal.. and are how you can get here.

So since this is the first REAL post to the site, heres how this will work.. Send me cool links to videos, your photos, your blogs, you anything.. as long as it has something to do with bmx or its just really rad. I want people to enjoy this and have fun with it.

So features to the website!
To the left, we have the message box, it updates on its own if you post something it will be there, even though this is trying to bring riders together to get along, I have a feeling trash talking will be done.. but whatever we will go on.. feel free to post links to videos, your photobucket flickr whatever you find interesting and we can post it up on the site.. Have fun with it.

To the left, I put in random names and bmx related things in this generator and it will randomly show videos with those keywords on there, if you got a youtube page post up your name on the message box for your youtube, and we will add it to the list that way your stuff gets coverage and random stuff is all there. It is a lot of fun because theres a lot of real good videos that pop up.

To the left! All the popular websites that get updated a lot have RSS and other feeds, I am going to use those so you can see whats goin on with all the sites and check theres out from here. I think that is something nice because the who point of this is to bring everything together and get you to the good stuff?

Links! I know you got it, You just give me your link to your website, bmx, photography, video, whatever I will add it to the list, email me or post it up to the left! it will be good stuff when we get a lot of links for you to check out.

The Poll to the right! So since the website is new I think it is important to see what people want to see. So I added that, take a second to add your opinion.. it will be a good time..

Ads- I know I know, ads suck.. but heres the deal, if you want to advertise on here I will put up a photo link and promote your site like a champ if you want it up here. Similar to the come up, but until then I am using google ad sense, it doesnt generate much of anything, but with the money I will use it to help pay for the domain names and other random stuff for the website, its not for me.. I dont plan on making money off you guys, I will make stickers and shirts with the money or something sweet. Maybe even sponsor people? MAYBE who knows just a random idea.

bios and interviews! Okay heres another thing, If you want a bio posted of you, I dont care if your pro or just cruising, give me your info and we can maybe do a bio of you for the site.. Why not get readers some coverage? It will be a good time to meet random people all over the place. Maybe you will meet somone in your area you didnt know rode!

I think that covers the whole point of this website, So yeah let me know theres so much we can do with this website I really want to see how things go

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