It is 14 degrees out, snowy out, and I don’t have class or work today…

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So I was sitting around and I got thinking about my camera set up. It seems like Youtube and Vimeo has a hundred new videos on their sites a day with kids riding BMX. It is insane how good some of the videos are that pop up on there are, but then again there are A LOT of video that after 5 seconds I start searching for a new video to watch instead. Then there are kids out there who complain “I can’t get a dvx or super nice camera so my videos won’t be good. That is where I kind of have to laugh because it is so easy to get stuff for cheap and still make it look good. My set up total, for everything was about $650? That is a rough estimate but I cannot imagine it is much more than that.
This is my filming set up.
Panasonic GS320- $375

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Sunpack 5800D Tripod- $25

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Handle- Custom Made $10

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Kenko Fisheye .43x- $40
Cokin Wideangle- $30

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Adobe Premiere-…. Yeah you can find ways to get this..
Firewire Cable- $40
Mini DV Tapes- $20
Camera Bag- $20
Total: $560.. that is rough because shipping and stuff was not included.
You can get a lot of stuff on Ebay and forums like and The Come Up Board in the For Sale sections where people are always selling good stuff and willing to trade for parts and other random things… Always a way to get something you want for cheap, and used is not neccesarily bad.
I have been filming and editing stuff for like 4 years… I have never had some awesome camera to use, I never felt like I had a need unless I was doing a DVD. Web edits and everything can turn out the same as the high quality if you save the settings right and the filming is smooth it will turn out just fine.
If you don’t want to find a way to get Adobe Premiere, or Final Cut Pro, or one of those expencive editing programs, you can use Microsoft Movie Maker, or iVideo or whatever Apple calls their video editing, just don’t use the cheap titles that spin and move and stuff, that will make it look bad.
With how much technology has progressed in the recent years, camera prices have dropped substantially. The camera I have now, if it was two years ago probably would have been in the upwards of $600. So you can get a 3CCD camera which is good quality without going broke. You can find great information on cameras on those forums I listed up above. For example this thread on bikeguide Video Camera Information Thread has a lot of really good information! Or how to make a Steady Cam handle
There is also this thread with more Filming Advice than you could ask for on how to film and edit really great videos.
This is more than enough information to help you get set up on putting together some good edits, gets some friends together and show the internet what you are up to. Many riders go unknown then a video of them pops up on youtube and then they are well known riders who end up sponsored.. I know I heard of Mike Spinner probably a year before he was pro from videos of him on youtube.
Also check out it has a lot of real good stuff to get you going. Plus for some reason Skate videos are a lot better than most BMX videos?
Also, when looking for camera gear, make sure you check out BH Photo & Video. I tell you this because a lot of those really good prices on cameras on websites are frauds and they will end up screwing you over. If you don’t go with them, check this website before you buy This site allows you to check what previous customers went through getting their order.