BMX Life X Koka – Michal Basta Warsaw Clips


Here’s one we had sent through from Poland featuring Michal Basta getting down on the street of Warsaw for BMX Life and Koka! This one is pretty short, but it’s filled with some real solid riding with plenty of grinds and freecoaster action to check out! It looks like things headed south cutting filming short, but it looks like he was able to get plenty done before that happened. After you check that out, hit up, Hash BMX for a few photos that were shot while filming.

This video was shooted during few days of Basta’s visit in Warsaw. There is no real street without injuries at least minor ones, and so it was this time. Fortunately Basta walked away from this without serious consequences and we had enough clips to make this video.

Shout out to Basta’s sponsors for help: ▷
Stranger BMX ▷”

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