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BMX to Brain Injury – How A Single Punch Changed A Life Forever


The Guardian released this interesting video telling the story of BMX rider Jamie McKenchie who has suffered from a serious brain injury due to a guy who punched him in the back of the head causing him to fall to the ground straight to his head. This video tells the story of how this happened and gives you a look at what his life is like now after the incident. It goes to show how fast your life can change in a single instant because of a completely careless move. It’s such a bummer seeing somebody having their life stripped away because of something like this, but it’s also amazing seeing him still pushing himself to continue to ride. It shows just how much BMX means to so many of us and how it can keep us going even in the darkest of times.

This short film explores the story of Jamie McKechnie, who was punched in an unprovoked street attack in Shortlands, south-east London, in 2011. The film was made as part of a Channel 4 documentary, One Killer Punch, which explores the dramatic repercussions of a single act of violence.

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