Bone Deth – Wildest Crash Clip Giveaway

When Bone Deth asked people to submit their best crashes for a chance to win one of their seats… I don’t think they expected to see stuff this gnarly. If you want to see people get wrecked, this video is one to hit play on. My body hurts watching this.

We asked our fellow bone heads to send us their wildest crash clips. And the winner will win a Bone Deth Vibrator Seat. Well damn hell some of you really took it. Some of the files sent in were not formatted for Final Cut. So here is a timeline of what worked. The wildest Crash was decided by Sean Burns and Kert Petersel, who believed that Cody Anderson’s ledge to rail set up was outrageous. Thanks for all the submissions. IF we could afford it, we would give you all vibrator seats. CHEERS” – Bone Deth

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