Categories: bike check

Brad Simms Bike Check



If there’s one guy who it’s always cool to catch up with, it’s Brad Simms! For the past few years he has been constantly traveling all around the world riding and experiencing everything the places he goes has to offer. The other day we caught wind that he just built up a fresh new setup thanks to BSD and Merritt and figured it would be a good time to do a bike check and find out what else is new! Let’s take a look at his bike and find out what he had to say!

Name: Brad Simms

Current location: Moscow, Russia.

Sponsors: Merritt, 5050BMX, Operativ, The Trip

Years riding: 18


Frame: BSD WZA 21.1

Bars: My signature Merritt Where In The World Bars.

Fork: BSD Ghetto Fork.

Stem: Merritt Inaugural Top load.

Grips: Merritt Pete Sawyer with Insert bar ends.

Headset: BSD

Cranks: BSD 165mm

Pedals: Merritt P-1

Sprocket: Merritt 25 T

Chain: BSD Half Link

Seat / Post Clamp: Merritt SL1 Seat and post.

Front Wheel / Tire: BSD Alex Donnachie “Donnaqueek” 2.3

Rear Wheel / Tire: BSD Alex Donnachie “Donnaqueek” 2.3

Pegs: Merritt S.I.R steel pegs

Hub Guards: BSD plastic

The bike is looking real fresh… What all do you do to get your bike dialed in?
Aside from taking an inch off each side of my bars, there were was not anything that needed to be dialed in.

What’s the oldest part on this bike? Any sentimental value at all?
No, everything was completely new.

You have always ran clean and simple setups. Does it change much or are you pretty consistent with what you run?
For the first time in years, I actually decided to run a top load stem and slightly bigger tires.

We noticed you aren’t on a freecoaster yet. What keeps you on a cassette? What do you think about everyone running them these days?
Fakie tricks look better with a freecoaster, but it never intrigued me enough to change my set-up just so I can roll backwards. Yes, it does open a new window of creativity but I think I am too stuck in my ways to conform.

Are you pretty picky about your bikes when it comes to top tube length, geometry, bar height, bar angle, tire pressure or anything like that or are you flexible with things?
Flexible with somethings but my front and back end can not be too high or long.

You aren’t one to run crazy neon colors. What is it about a fully stealth setup that you love so much?
Stealth just looks cleaner, maybe it has something to do with my personality.

How often do you get the chance to build up a new bike? Do you tend to ride them till they’re dead or do you try to replace things before things head south when you do something big?
Lately it has only been two bikes a year. I am not as hard on bikes as what I once was. There was a time when I weighed two hundred pounds and I used to constantly destroyed parts but never that many frames.

You have been constantly traveling for years now. Is it tricky to get fresh parts or anything sometimes? I’d imagine you kind of have to plan on where you will be before you have something sent out?
Yes, sometimes it can be a bit of a headache, recently I had a package stuck in customs for three weeks.

Do you ever get caught not able to ride for a while because you just don’t have anything around to replace or fix your bike? What’s the longest time you have been off your bike because of being in a random country that doesn’t do much with BMX?
That has yet to become a problem, every country that I have traveled to has always had something or some place to ride.

It looks like you’re getting the hook up from BSD these days. How are you liking their stuff? Do you have any cool projects with them in the works or is Grant just keeping you dialed in?
I am not an official member of their team, so there is no special projects in regards to me. Grant keeps me dialed in with fresh parts when I need them though. They have an impressive team and quality parts, so I will continue to support them as long as they support me.

How are things going with Merritt these days? Any chance we’ll see you getting in on some trips with the crew this year?
Mike and Sean do a great job over at Merritt. They continue to support me through hard times and that makes me even more appreciative of their support. As for trips? You most certainly will see me on some this year.

You had that dialed video from France drop for Operativ a little while back. Are you working on anything with those guys at all at the moment?
Up until 2 days ago, that was my first time riding in about 2 months, I’ve been dealing with some foot and back issues. Hopefully I will be able to put out something soon.

How about things with 5050 BMX? Anything there?
5050 BMX is another piece of my family. I have nothing but love for Eddie and Lorie Buckley, they have been supporting me for years.

So, it’s been a little while since we have actually caught up. Where have you been spending your time as of late? Any new countries knocked off your list at all?
Moscow. I will be in Russia until March 1st. The last new place I knocked off my list was Egypt.

What are your plans for 2015 looking like? Anything in particular you really want to make happen?
Find my way back to the states to see my family and friends. It has been two years since I last touched down in the USA. My sister recently had another baby so I need to go back and get acquainted with the newest addition to our family. Maybe start some kind of business, create some new travel and life opportunities and continue bettering myself as a person.

Can we expect a new edit or video part out of you any time soon? I know there’s a bunch of us that are always psyched to see some footage from you.
I think there is a possibility that you could see something in the near future.

What have you been getting into off your bike? Any new hobbies or cool things you have picked up lately?
I recently just started learning how to play the guitar. Photography, linguistics and I am currently in the process of writing a book.

How can people keep up with you these days?
@Brad_Simms for I.G. Twitter @BradASimms and my Facebook fan page is Brad A simms . My personal Facebook is Brad Simms, the one with me riding a camel in front of the pyramids.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Mike and Sean at Merritt. Grant at BSD, Eddie and Lorie at 5050BMX, Ty at The Trip. All my friends and family, you know exactly who you are.

Anything else you want to say?
Thanks to The Union for the bike check! I hope we cross paths sometime soon.

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