Categories: Interview

Brian Histand Interview


Brian HistandBrian Histand
Photo: Derek Adams

Brian has been popping up more and more the last few years. He was recently added to Tempered U.S team, and has been hustling on all sorts of things with Orchid like the “Footwork” dvd” and helping to get the new Nemy shop in P.A going. I figured it was good as time as ever to get ahold of Brian and find out a little bit more about the guy. Check out what he has to say, some photos and videos, then leave him some love in the comments!

Name: Brian Histand

Location: Langhorne, PA

Sponsors: Tempered, Orchid, Nemy, Subversion

Years riding: 9

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
I started riding in 8th grade. My friends at the time rode, so I bought a Haro Nyquist complete bike. I wanted to be a dirt jumper. Pretty funny/ironic because I don’t ride trails at all now.

Photo: Jim Tenerelli

You were the first dude from the U.S added to the Tempered bikes team, right? How did that all come about? Does Matty have any plans for 2011 setup yet that you’re psyched for?
I had been talking to Mat for about 6 months about everything, but it really came together during the Cali to Vegas trip before Interbike. Mat got me a plane ticket and planned out a little trip for us to hang out and ride. Once I got out there I met Mat, Jerry V and Jeff Cadger and it was on from there. Chillest dudes ever, and I honestly think Mat and I are long lost brothers. We are on the same level with what riding means to us and how we perceive the essence it. That sounds pretty corny, but those who get it, will get it, haha. We’ve had a few deep convos and they’re always a pleasure haha. As for 2011, I know that Jerry’s Surefire range is supposed to drop which is going to be rad. I saw the prototype at Interbike as well as a few spy photos online. That bike is niiiiiiiice. Hopefully some trips? Maybe to AUS? I’d love to meet the rest of the Tempered team down under and get some Maca’s with my shrap.

How are things going with Orchid? I haven’t heard from Derek in a while, is he still alive? What do you guys have in the works for 2011? I feel like there was talk of a DVD at one point, but maybe I’m just imagining things?
Orchid is rad. Derek is alive and banded. The new kicks just came out and they are nice. All the shoes are slimmed down and there is a new sole as well. “Footwork” should be out anytime now, we filmed it over 2 weeks this past summer and I believe there are plans for another this summer? The video rules, everything was filmed by Navaz so if you don’t know the status right there then I don’t know what to say. The video represents perfectly what Orchid is about. “I don’t know my reputation, but all the niggas in the hood say it’s all good”

Photo: Derek Adams

I’d imagine the weather in Philly is just starting to get good again. How did you handle the winter? Do you have any plans to get down to Florida, Texas, Cali or any of those other hot spots while there is still time?
The weather is starting to get nice again here. I had been handling it by riding the indoor park until I slipped on some ice there…No plans on warm weather vacations because of work. Other than that I’ve been helping my friend Craig get some things going with Nemy, a new shop/mailorder in the Philadelphia area. The grand opening is April 9th with plenty of festivities including a showing of Orchid “Footwork”.

You mentioned you separated your shoulder. Those fucking suck. How did you manage that, and how much longer will you be taking it easy?
I’ve slacked on doing this interview so I am actually back riding now, haha.

I can’t imagine after seeing your newest edit that it’s hard for you to get a bit roughed up from time to time. How long did you work on this new edit for? How did you get yourself psyched up enough to do that huge ass drop? Was it something you just happened to spot and go for it, or have you had that on your shit list for a while?
I started filming for the edit pretty much right after Dave and I got a VX a few weeks after we got home from Interbike. Soo I guess around 3 months? Haha, I don’t know man, Dave showed it to me awhile ago and we finally got around to doing it. The biggest factor was actually getting a photographer if I remember correctly.

Photo: Mike McGowan

Actually, speaking of a shit list. It seems like everyone has one particular spot or trick they want to get done somewhere but haven’t been able to get it because of security kicking you out or what not. Do you have anything like that on your mind?
Yeah, I sort of do. The gap that I tried in Surfin for the Ugly Broads. I learned noseys on the first attempt in the video, then about half a year later I went back a second time and during one of the runups my chain broke. Sketchy. Then on the Orchid trip this summer, I was gonna give it another go, but I got a weird puncture in my leg at Girard that required 6 layers of internal stitches, so I never made it back. I’m not really sure what to make of it. Am I not supposed to jump it at all or are all these just signs not to jump it on those particular days. Hmmm.

Photo: Mike McGowan

Other than the Tempered edit, have you made any plans for filming for anything else? When can we expect to see some more fresh footage from you?
I’m supposed to film a part for my friend Chris Crawford’s “Rotten” video. I only have a few clips right now, but I’ll be heading up to Boston on weekends to try and get stuff, it won’t be out for another year so I’ve still got some time. Real stoked for it though, all the rider’s in it are dude’s I love watching ride, the video should be rotten haha. Other than that just some more web stuff for Tempered, Orchid and Nemy…..

You and Dave Krone are pretty close. In fact Matty used the term “boyfriend” when reminding me about this. How long have you guys been friends for? Do you feel like your riding has progressed this far because of him pushing you? Have you guys ever bridged the gap?
Friends for 7 or 8 years I think? He’s pretty much the only person I ride with haha. It’s weird how our styles are so different yet we ride together all the time. I’m so stoked to have him as a friend and riding partner, wait till the new Cult video drops… I’m not sure about the progression thing, but I’m sure it has played a part. I haven’t gapped any bridges and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t either, I will tell you that we are blood brothers though and we may or may not have touched tips hahaha.

Photo: Derek Adams

Speaking of Dave Krone. What the hell is it about these headband things? When can we expect a Brian Histand signature forehead wrap?
I am answering this question with a youtube link…

I know this past year you had the chance to travel a little bit. You guys did a pre-interbike Tempered trip here in the U.S. Where all did you have the chance to go? Anywhere in particular you would like to go to?
We rode in LA, Phoenix, Tucson, and Vegas as well, but no riding happened there. I am so thankful for that trip, it was such an awesome experience not to mention band stat the whole time. Any new experiences or places I could visit would be amazing, but I really don’t have anything in mind. Chuck Berry has it together.

I’d imagine things got a little wild on that Tempered trip. Do you have any good stories you want to share about that one?
The whole trip was crazy, but Jeff gets loooose! Headband hookup, pool parties with his dad, and a PBR stash at NORA cup are just a few of the things that come to mind.

Photo: Craig O’Connor

If you could load a van up with 5 people, a filmer and a photographer. Who would you pick to ride, film and shoot? Where would you go? Why those people and places?
Dave Krone, Tim Coyne, and Matty T to ride with. Mike McGowan to shoot photos, and Navaz to film. All these dudes are my good friends and the best at what they do. Destination doesn’t really matter, preferably somewhere new and outside should do the trick.

What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
Watching TV.

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding bikes?
I have a full time job which is 1/3rd of my life. What do you think? haha

I feel like you know how to party. What makes for a good night out for you? What’s the choice drink and/or smoke?
All it takes is a case of water.

So you work? Do you go to school at all? What do you do and what are you going for?
I went to college and graduated last spring. I am currently working for a company who does background check/screenings for employment. My job is straight out of the movie Office Space. Pretty wack but coffee is deece and I get done at 2 everyday so it’s bearable for the time being.

If you could live anyone elses life for one day, who would you pick and why?
Twinkie, Dave’s dog. Living life to the fullest.

Care to share something about yourself that you think people might be surprised to find out?
Nothing off the top of my head, I think people are usually stunned when I tell them I have a college degree.

What’s one thing you currently don’t own or have, that you want?
Free time.

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched, and website you visited?
Put Me in the Trash by Mick Jagger, RAD was actually the last movie I watched, I think, and the last site I was on was Vimeo.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Checking Facebook and Tweeting.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Derek at Orchid, Mat at Tempered, Craig at Nemy, Brien at Sparkys, Dave Krone, Navaz, Purcey and all my friends, to those I forgot, I am sorry, it’s because of the headband.

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