
Brian Wizmerski put out a fresh video filmed over the past few years!

Whenever we see Wiz’s name pop up, we get stoked. Here’s a new 15 minute mix he put together filled with a bunch of riding footage from him and plenty of familiar faces, along with random footage he collected on his phones along the way over the course of the past 5 years. No shortage of dialed riding and interesting clips to see in this one, so get on that play button and take a look!

This video was put together from random clips that piled up on my phones over the past 6 years. The editing was done in iMovie on a iPhone 13 mini. Some of the riding clips have been on instagram already. It is a continuation of the phone edit “The Thrill Is Gone” that I put out 7 years ago.

Riders in order of appearance: Myself, George Duran, Doug Foulke, Stew Johnson, Aaron Simone, Dave Belcher, Chris Reyes, Adam Penberg, Linwood Monk, Cory Nastazio, and Van Homan

The clips are edited in the order they were filmed. -Enjoy!” – Brian Wizmerski

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