
More speed less doubt!

Ohhhhh yeah! BSD coming in hot with a brand new Denim Cox video that you already know is a MUST SEE. Denim put in the miles and crushed spots galore with crazy gaps, grinds, wallrides and more with plenty of fun on mini bikes and more mixed in for good measure. Ht that play button NOW! Denim is the only guy who could make an Alan Jackson country country song work for a BMX video, haha.

Pedal to the metal and full commitment is the only way Denim Cox knows how. Sit back and enjoy six minutes of flat out savagery, filmed over 2 months on the road throughout Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Nashville, St. Louis and Austin in Denim’s new BSD video part ‘More Speed Less Doubt’…

Filmed by Tony Malouf
Additional filming by Jeff K
Edit by Sauce and Dave Sowerby” – BSD

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