
BSD dropped a new Rory McLean video you won’t want to miss!

BSD have released a new banger featuring Rory McLean working his magic on a few of the U.K’s finest parks. Rory brings a ton of style and a good mix of tricks keeping things real interesting from start to finish. You won’t want to miss this one, so get on that play button!

With the volume of amazing riding that has come out of the indoor parks in Scotland you’d be forgiven for thinking it’d be hard to come up with new riding for them. But Rory McLean’s approach brings a uniquely fresh set of eyes and an original style like no other. Shot over the winter at Unit23, The Loading Bay and Shred, we are proud to bring you ‘Rory McLean – Progressive’.

No pegs? No problem!

Special thanks to Unit23, The Loading Bay, Shred and Transgression skateparks for their support.

Video by Dave Sowerby.” – BSD

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