Building Gnarnia – “Thriving In Decay”

Pat Fisher sent through his BMX and skateboarding documentary called “Thriving In Decay” that is a 20 minute video where he talks about the history of BMX and skateboarding which is actually pretty interesting. Some of you newer guys could probably learn quite a few things from this video. The riding and everything isn’t really all too serious, but still, it’s a rad video to check out.

Interweaving movement and narrative, “Thriving in Decay” examines the relationship between large-scale cycles of decay and the historical development of BMX and skateboarding. Having a solid understanding of how BMX and skateboarding have been influenced in the past is crucial for their development in the future, since popular over-simplifications can easily lead participants astray from addressing those factors which matter most…

This film is just one part to the larger Building Gnarnia project. Check out for more videos, articles, and a peak at the full-length book.

If you missed the introduction to the larger Building Gnarnia project, you can watch “Project Teaser #1 – Contextualizing” below

Lastly, this film was created created for others passionate about the future of BMX and skateboarding. If you would like to help, please visit

Hope you enjoy!” ~ Pat Fisher

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