
Check out Ryan Gagnon’s section from the “Business II” DVD!

If you’re looking for a faster paced BMX video that is full of some wild riding and some what of squirrelly style (we mean that in the best way possible). This is for you! Ryan Gagnon goes fast and big for his “Business BMX II” DVD part. Hit play and take this one in. You won’t be disappointed!

Ryan is primarily a park rider but kills it riding street as well… Unfortunately that last crash in this part put him out for a long ass time, right around the beginning of filming for Business II. He still was able to come through with some awesome fast stuff, with a bit of park footage mixed through as well.” -Ian Fleming

Business II is a scene video out of Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada that has been 5 years in the making. The entirety of this video was filmed on the east coast of Canada, featuring a long line up some of the most talented street riders in the Maritimes, with tons of different styles. We hope you enjoy it.

Filmed and Edited by Ian Fleming

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