
Check out Ryan Wright’s section from the “Business II” DVD!

The Business BMX crew up in Canada keeping the sections from their “Business II” DVD flowing. This time around we get a look at what Ryan Wright stacked for clps while out cruising the streets of Halifax! If you’re looking for grinds, jibs and more… This is for you!

“Ryan was only in Halifax for a couple years before moving back to his homeland of Kingston, Ontario. He can make just about any spot look good so this section came pretty easy/naturally inbetween his long hours of either cooking or planting trees. I’ve also seen him nose manual at least 10 parking spaces which should impress basically anybody in my opinion.” -Ian Fleming

“Business II is a scene video out of Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada that has been 5 years in the making. The entirety of this video was filmed on the east coast of Canada, featuring a long line up some of the most talented street riders in the Maritimes, with tons of different styles. We hope you enjoy it.”

Filmed and Edited by Ian Fleming

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