Categories: bike check

Caleb Quanbeck Bike Check

It’s that time of the year when companies start getting all of their newness in. Caleb recently picked up one of the brand new Hoffman Lady Luck frames and built himself up a new bike. We figured it would be a good time to check out what he’s running these days and find out what else is new in his life. Let’s see what he’s running and what he had to say…

Name: Caleb Quanbeck

Location: Portland, Oregon

Sponsors: Hoffman bikes,The Shadow Conspiracy, Vans flow, Index Ink, Goods BMX

Years riding: Around 12 years

Frame: HB Lady Luck 20.75

Forks: HB Bama

Bars: HB Bama 8.75

Stem: Shadow Ravenger

Grips: Shadow Thirteen Flangless

Cranks: Shadow Seth Kimbrough Noctis Signature

Chain: Shadow Interlock V2

Sprocket: Shadow 25t Ravenger

Pedals: Shadow PC’s

Seat: Shadow fatty

Back Hub: Shadow Raptor LHD

Back Rim: Shadow Stun

Back Tire: Shadow Overtaker 2.25

Front hub: Shadow Raptor

Front Rim: Shadow Stun

Front tire: Shadow Overtaker 2.25

Pegs: Shadow Little Ones

Do you have any mods or things you do to make your bike feel right?
My bars are far forward.

What’s your favorite part on your bike?
It’s a though call between the 2012 Bama bars and the Shadow Conspiracy Raptor wheel.

What do you usually go through the fastest?
Bars, pedals and grips

What’s the oldest part on your bike?
Seat post, haha.

How often do you build up a new bike?
When ever it starts looking and feeling like shit.

How are things going with Hoffman these days? Do they have any trips or signature goods lined up with you that you can tell us about?
It has been awesome lately. Everyone on the team kicks ass and we all get along good. I’m real bummed Shane is gone though ): As far as trips go, I’m not sure whats up yet, haha.

What’s new with Shadow? Does Chadwick have anything cooking for you in the future?
The new Seth cranks kick butt, haha. Thats about all I know right now. Chadwick is always busy!

What’s new with Index Ink? Anything going on there you can tell us about?
The new line is amazing!!!!!! I can’t wait to be rocking the new stuff this winter. As all of you know, the team is stacked and I can’t wait to do more stuff with the crew.

Does Shad have anything going on over at Goods you are psyched about?
The shop is being remodeled this winter and coming along real nice.

Any other sponsor news you have?
Nope, haha.

So you have been traveling quite a bit lately. Where all have you been? Do you have any other trips coming up before the end of the year?
I really haven;t been gone that much, haha. I did a road trip with my boys from home to SLC to Vegas then Woodward wich was a blast. I also just got back from OKC and Kansas City.

I’d imagine the weather is starting to get pretty shitty up there in the Northwest. What are your plans for the winter? Chillin’ or are you packing your bags for a few months?

You have been popping up in edits like mad the last few weeks. Are you working on any other new edits or video parts? When can we expect to see more out of you?
I’ve been tryin! I would like to start on fresh edits for all my sponsors, but I don’t have a camera.

What have you been up to lately when you aren’t riding? Do you work at all?
Working on my car and trying to sell it! Holla at me if anyone wants to buy it, it’s a Nissan 240SX Red Top SR20DET.

Any fresh tattoos? I wish, hah!

What’s something you have been real psyched on lately?
Music and bikes.

<>What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched and website you visited?
Waka Flocka- Fuck This Industry… Anchorman…. Craigslist.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
My mom, my girlfriend, Ronnie B, Chadwick, Teff, Mat Hoffman, Mark Owen, Jeremie I, Shad and Badders.

Anything else you want to say?
Ride your bike and have fun!

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