Calling The Shots with Adam LZ at Rye Airfield


Adam LZ spent some time at Rye Airfield where he let the local kids heckle him and dictate what he had to do in this round of Calling The Shots! Needless to say, Adam prevailed with some dialed riding in the end!

A few friends call out some pretty difficult tricks for me to do at Rye Airfield Skatepark. The last trick is a first for me and I’m pumped on it!
Shirts and Stickers –
We took the 3 hour drive to Rye to get some riding in while I was up north for the holidays. We wanted to film something longer, but we ended up running out of time and made this video really fast. I’m back in school now, so I won’t be uploading as frequently, but I’m still going to try to stick to at least one video per week! Huge thanks to all you guys who watch these videos and interact with us through comments or on any of our social media. You guys are the best, and 2015 is going to be sick!

All the latest BMX videos, news, products and more can be found in the DAILY SECTION!

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