Cam Birdwell crushes it at 43!

This is awesome. Cam Birdwell is back with a fresh video giving us a look at what he’s throwing down at 43 when he can get sessions in! As expected, Cam is still absolutely CRUSHING it on everything he puts his tires on. This isn’t your typical edit compared to what we see popping up most days, but it’s so good. Then again, not many guys these days can send a loop on a full pipe, either. You gotta stick around for the ender because it’s absolute madness! Hell yea, Cam!

The edit took us about a year and a half to film and it wasn’t easy to meet up since Cam is a full time family man with a wife and 3 kids and works like crazy. The few times we did meet up he would have to get straight to business and start filming and sending it cause the only time Cam actually rode was when we filmed which was once every 2 months. We rode some friends backyard ramps in Nor-Cal, took a few SALT crew trips to Woodward west, North Carolina and Oregon to make this video happen. Clips didn’t come easy, Cam took so many slams and got wrecked filming for this part but when you do CrossFit and get into power lifting I guess you can take the hits and keep getting up. Also I want to point out in the beginning of the edit Cam holds up a pendant which is for being 7 years sober, I’m super proud of him for that cause that takes real strength and dedication.” — Samar Carrillo

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