
Casson Downing Profile Racing BMXCasson Downing Profile Racing BMX

Profile Racing have added transition shredder Casson Downing to their squad over in the U.K! Casson dialed in his ride with a bunch of new Profile parts and there is a full BIKE CHECK over on the Profile website if you would like to take a closer look.

With the amount of talent coming from the U.K. at the moment, it has been tough finding the right candidates to become brand ambassadors, but when it comes to Casson it was a no brainer, he is very humble, approachable, and incredibly stylish on a bike. Perfectly suited for us at PRE, and we are more than stoked to announce that he has joined the gang alongside Tom, Dec, Isaac and Lima” – Carlos Gomez (Profile Europe/PRE)

Photos care of Martin Grainger

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