Categories: Interview

Chad DeGroot Interview

What can I say about Chad that nobody has said before? The guy is awesome plain and simple. I have had the chance to meet him a few times through Baco up in Wisconsin and to be honest those were probably the best times I have had on my bike. He is a halarious dude and knows his stuff. I laughed because he sent me about 20 photos to choose from, I only used a few but I wish I could have used them all. Let me know what you think in the comments?

Chad Superman DeGroot

Altamonte Springs, Florida (central florida son)

UGP, Versa Bikes, Profile,, Bern helmets, Mesh Skatepark

Years in the game:
Wow, since 1986, so you can do the math

You have been popping up all over lately with UGP! How are thing’s going over there as TM?
It is nuts…we have a full team, by that I mean we have some old school to the newest school. So it keeps me on my toes. From doing orders, to designs, to web updates, to baby sitting (do this a lot), and being a rider for the team, I have a full plate, but its good as hell. I am happy as hell this year with the direction we are moving. We have had some growing pains the last few years, and I firmly believe we are back on it. The Fall/Winter line is on point for sure. The denim is getting out there. We have some jeans, the bandits and Cigs, that are a bit tight, but will cater to the younger rider, or the ones like Mark Mulville who keep it tight. I don’t mean girl tight, just the right fit for a slimmer man. We have to be honest, there are not to many beef cakes in this sport, are there?

You guys have been pumping out a bunch of web edits lately, do you have any more coming soon?
Do we ever. I have 5 I am working on right now. There is no end in sight. We have received a great response to all of them. I know they are just web edits, but we do get them out there. We want to get them out, put them on our player on the home page (, then get them on our FTP site so people with shops in Taiwann or Japan or where ever can get them and use them for shop promo. Brian Kachinsky sent me some of his scraps for an edit. We went on a short trip to fill in the blanks. It is nuts. Tell you the truth, I love his scraps. You will to. His will be out soon.

How about a UGP dvd is there anything in the works?
The UGP DVD gets talked about a ton. We spend a lot in advertising and promotions right now to get back on the map. So, as we get more established again, we will cut out the better riding for a full DVD. Right now, its online for a bit…

You have been working with Versa now also. What’s the news on that and how is the prototype holding up?
Versa is sweet. Its just a baby. There isn’t more to say about it or a better way to describe it. We are in our infant stages, prototypes and ideas. That is all. We don’t plan to take over the world or get in every shop. We just got a team set, trying on a flow team. Very small and nice. The owner is taking it slow, and most of the team is happy with this. Don’t want mistakes if possible. The site ( is coming along. There might not be everyday updates, but we will when the time comes. Keep checking back. The whole team is traveling a ton this year.

When can we expect to see some product from them up for sale?
That is a hard question to answer. We all have prototypes we are running. So testing is first. Maybe some shirts and stickers early summer. If I had to guess, we would have some pre-books for interbike. Don’t quote me on that…the boss might kick my ass.

It would appear you have been super busy, do you have any big trips or vacations planned?
Trips with Profile all over Florida. We want to go to another city almost every other weekend. That will be sweet cause its quick and not far to drive. UGP is going to the Northeast and Northwest and Baco, which might be in Illinois this summer. Vacations, hell yes. Going to Toronto for my sister in law dike wedding. Should be nuts, weird, and interesting. Also have some plans later in the year to be in Japan and Maylasia for UGP only stores opening. Want to bring another rider (can’t say who yet) to open the stores and do demos. We have Three stores open already over seas, all UGP only…

Baco last year was wild, how do you feel about Mother Daughter stripper teams?
Pretty much necessary. Not the broken nose thing. That happened just as they were about to get loose and let them hang out…sucks, but that is Baco. Flipper was the the best follow up show. Wrestling n shit…love that kid…

Since Baco is no longer welcome in Wiscompton. Do you plan on having it again in the midwest or Florida only now?
We found a spot in Illinois. But it could be somewhere in Wisconsin. Don’t want to spoil it with a location…you will find out and you will be there…

When will the next Baco video be out anyways?
Dave was just in Florida and we talked a ton on this topic. There are more than a few fools that have sections almost done. So I will just leave it at that…

How are things going at Mesh, any big news?
Baco will be there this year again. DC and Pabst and Levis are all in…happy as hell. Kinda getting to big, but as long as we run it, chuck out some money, have beer, and everyone is assholes dressing up for Halloween, who cares. Otherwise, we are changing the park really soon before it gets to hot to build…shit is hot as hell in there.

What are some things you are really looking forward to doing BMX related over the next year?
web edits are always exciting, designing some new shoes, doing some trips where I have never been, and maybe making another kid

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Get my family going, I have one kid, but we want more. Get Baco bigger than the X-games with a bigger purse. Get UGP on Jay-z. Shock people with my riding. Get in a movie doing some acting.

If you could do one trick for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
backwards manuals hands down. I did them today for hours, got a few new versions that I need to film for an upcoming Profile edit, otherwise I do like hang 5’s.

What is one trick you cannot do for the life of you?
Flairs. I’ve tried them a few times then just stop. Get close as shit, then stop. Someone needs to push me or do them with me…

*This is a photo Chad took that won a photo contest. His dad grows stuff in his old shoes…

Being around BMX for a while you have seen things come and go, what do you think of the current “era”?
Its pretty mellow. Little jib tricks, manual pads, nick nacs. It is good, cause it covers all the bases. You can go big, ride vert, ride a curb, parking lot, or a roof. Its sweet personally. It is putting people in groups. This sport needs more shit talking to. Come on suckers, get on the web and let it loose. No one knows you, let it out. Start some shit…

Out of all of your video parts, which one was your favorite?
I couldn’t answer that. I am happy with all my stuff. There is a ton more meaning in stuff like Baco 6 or 7, but the stuff lately, I am happy as hell with.

Who are some riders you really enjoy riding with?
Anyone that will make me laugh. Anyone that wants to try weird stuff during a session. Dave Freimuth, Mark Mulville, Joey Juaristi, Mesh locals.

Are you and Dave Freimuth brothers? I swear you guys should be.
We pretty much grew up together. I lived in Green Bay which is 25 miles away. We really clicked when we moved to Arizona for the winter. Came back and lived in a house with 10 other fools. We travel a lot and have a similiar personality and interest in good times where ever we are. We have some history that goes way back…

How do you feel about Mustaches?
required if your a real man…so many options…

*Kachinsky is stoked on this

What is your all time best story of a run in with the cops?
There are no best stories of run ins with the cops. Give me a bit of time, might get a good one. Come back to this question.

Outside of work and riding, what are some things you are up to?
Have a kid, Cooper, who takes up most of my time. He is nuts. Everyday he makes me laugh and does some wild shit. Love it. I have been doing a lot of photography. Did a wedding for Mike Andrews. That was a little stressfull till the reception, then everything was a blurr. They told me I was wedding guy. The pics turned out sweet.

What kind of music are you into? Any bands you recommend people to check out?
Led Zepplin and the Beatles are on my player right now. It changes all the time. Could be Flogging Molly or De La Soul. I don’t get crazy on music. Modest Mouse is sweet and Eat the Elderly.

Seen any good movies lately?
We get Netflix, get all the seasons of WEEDS…love that shit.

Where are some places you would like to go at some point in life?
Pyramids, South America, Spain, Taiwan

If you couldn’t live in Florida anymore due to a old person epidemic taking the state over, where would you go and why?
Southwest is pretty sweet. Like the mountains in Arizona and the dry air. Florida is humid as hell.

What are some things you think everybody should experience at some point in their lives?
Jump out of a plane, invent something, get in a fight, drive over 150mph, and spend money like you don’t care

Who or what are your biggest influences in your life?
Sunny days, nice sunsets, great pictures, good conversations, artistic people, my wife, the positive

What would you do with the money if you won the lotto?
Get a box seat at a packer game and invite and fly all my friends in for a serious party, or give a ton to the people close to me so I don’t look like the only rich person they know

If you could spend the day with anybody, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
Christopher Walkin. He is sweet and never will look you in the eyes. His personality and being is mindboggling…

What kind of advice do you have for kids just getting into BMX?
have fun and support your skatepark, it will be gone before you know it

What kind of advice do you have for people who want to work in the BMX industry/ own a skatepark?
Skatepark; have a lot of patience, and don’t expect to make money. Industry; know people.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
UGP crew, Versa crew, Matt and the Profile team,, Josh at Bern, Mesh Skatepark…Thanks to my kid for opening my eyes, there is happiness in the simplist things.

Anything else you would like to add I forgot?
BMX won’t get you rich, stop trying..

Chad DeGroot random edit from chad degroot on Vimeo.

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