Categories: Interview

Chad Shackelford Interview

If you work in the BMX industry your life is always going, deadlines, trips, all that stuff. So when I sent Chad this interview a while back I had no idea when he would have a chance to get it done. However, he finally got a chance to do it up. This dude has made some real amazing videos in his day… Enjoy.

Chad Shackelford

Currently Nomad, soon to be Austin-ite

Years riding BMX?

Years filming and editing BMX / anything?

How did you get into filming and everything?
bike riding

What kind of cameras do you use? Are you fully “in HD” now?
HVX 200, fully HD

What do you use to edit?
Final Cut Studio

When did you realize you could make a career out of filming?
Never, just sorta fell into it.

What are some of your favorite projects you have worked on that are complete?
Shook, Odyssey, Hoffman, Local Exposure, Vice Versa.

What are you currently working on? You were in Barcelona for some stuff recently?
Sunday Bikes DVD. We were there for a week and will return this may for 2 months.

Who are some of your favorite people to film or work with and why?
Kurt Rasmusson, Ian Schwartz, Sean Sexton, Chase Hawk, Mike Aitken, Brad Simms, Eric Lichtenberger, Will Stroud, Dave Jacobs, Jim Bauer, etc…

Obviously your traveling a fair bit, where are your favorite places you have been?
South Africa, Estonia, Spain, Austin

Where are some places you have yet to go that you would like to?
Norway and Iran

What kind of advice do you have for people looking to get into filming and editing?
absorb as much information as possible.

Do you do photography at all?
I dont, but am becoming more and more interested in it.
I just bought my first point in shoot, which is hilarious, but I dont think it will be long before I get a fully professional setup.

What are your favorite websites?
Defgrip, Micreation, You Porn, Stumble upon, The come up, Woozy, Kayak, Myspace

What are some of your favorite bands?
MGMT, Talking Heads, Kimya Dawson, The Sword, Ghostland Observatory, clap your hands, of montreal, caribou, sabbath, black mountain, Nuetral milk hotel, band of horses, brian jonestown massacre, etc…..

Do you ever find it hard to pick music for edits?
nope, its what im into at the moment.

What do you have planned for 08′ so far?
work really hard on the Sunday DVD and ride more.

If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?
Buy a giant warehouse in Austin, section it off as a hostel, studio, club/bar, and cafe. Donate a lot to PETA and take my friends out and get hammered.

What is your dream car?
72 mini cooper with a type R vtech engine (everyday driver) Diesel Dodge Sprinter w/ veggie oil conversion (production vehicle)

Do you find yourself on Myspace a lot?
on a hourly basis.

What are some of your favorite movies regular and bmx wise?
Zeigeist, Loose Change, Anthem, Electronical, Left Right, SOBP, 1201, Donnie Darko, Thrashin, Rad, Breakfast club, No country for old men, there will be blood, babel, JFK, spaceballs, i could keep going.

What are 5 things you can’t live without?
air, water, food, music, books

What are some things you think people need to experience before they die?
traveling and experiencing cultures outside their bubble. Learning from others and striving to understand how different but alike we all are.

If you could spend the day with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
My grandfather, we never spent enough time.

What do you think your favorite part about riding is?
The freedom.

Do you ever get much time to ride when you go on trips, or is work constant?
mostly just work. i try but, im usually too busy.

Who are some of your favorite people to ride with?
Dave Jacobs, Tony neyer, Chase Hawk, Sean Sexton, Scooter, Willy, Ryan Vincent and Ian Montel.

If you could only ride one thing or do one trick for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Bank to subs, hang five variations.

What are some of your favorite tricks or things you like to do on your bike?
hang nothings.

You got some tattoos, do they have any special meaning or are they just cool looking?
the ones on my wrist were just for fun on Local exposure. The one on my chest, which was just recently finished has to do with Shook and my fingers say patience, which is a constant reminder.

What is the worst part about your job/life?
theres no worst part, the negative is as important as the positive.

What is the best part about your job/life?
traveling with friends.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Answering this interview if it continues, damn you got lots of questions, haha JK.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
BMX and the usual, family, friends, Odyssey, Sunday, Dave Jacobs, Will Stroud and everyone who has supported Shook and all the things Ive put work into.

I think thats it man, thanks for the opportunity.

you can find more of his work on

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