Chatting Bull – Fathead Vs Danny MacAskill


Oh geeze… Red Bull got Danny MacAskill to sit down with Fathead for a little Q&A action in this latest round of Chatting Bull. Needless to say, I don’t think Danny was ready for this one.

Scottish trials star Danny MacAskill is usually found hopping, jumping and tricking his way down technical terrains. However, on a recent trip to London opinionated BMX interviewer, Fathead, managed to drag to into his lair…

Over to the host to introduce his latest guest.

Red Bull’s very own trials champion, film star and all round good guy! I don’t think Danny knew what he was in for. Grilled and served for you lot, click above for my interview with Danny Macaskill. Enjoy!”

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Red Bull Danny Macaskill vs Fathead BMXRed Bull Danny Macaskill vs Fathead BMX

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