Categories: Interview

Chijoke Okafo Interview

The people out there who can get rediculously tech blow my mind. I’ve wanted to interview Chijoke for a long time just because he has been killing it for so long without any form of coverage. Sure enough, myself and Cory Beal were talking about doing an interview with him and he goes and gets sponsored. So, here is the long awaited interview with Canada’s Chijoke! with some commentary from Cory Beal! Leave some love in the comments.

Photo: Harry Silegren

Chijioke Okafo

Barrie, Ontario. Soon to be Toronto

Ten pack, Volume, Demolition, Repset, Warehouse Bike Park, Joe Mamma Clothing, Mom and Pop

Years riding:
3 in BMX, 5 in total

What first got you into BMX in the first place?
I was riding mountain bikes for a couple years, but just lost interest in that. All my friends were making the switch to smaller wheels, and my sponsor at the time was really dicking me around. So, I quit the team and started building up a new mtb. When I got to work later that week, my boss had built up a really nice BMX for shits, so I randomly decided to buy that instead. Haven’t looked back since.

You were recently picked up by Volume and Demolition through Ten Pack. How did that all come about, and how do you feel about the whole situation? I feel like you should have been sponsored a long time ago.
Ha ha, yeah, within the past 2 weeks or so. It was pretty nuts, I wasn’t expecting it all. I was driving home one day and got a call from a weird 604 number, ended up being Jay Miron. Not a call I’m used to getting. I think that they just picked a name out of a hat or something and I got lucky. With all the dudes coming up in the Toronto scene, I’m not sure why I got picked, but I’m truly grateful that I was.

Photo: Eric Vardy

Do you have any big trips or filming projects going on now or anything you would like to get going?
I always dream about going on big trips or whatever, but being stuck in Barrie with a stack of bills to pay, it’s kind of hard to get things going. Same thing goes with filming. I did just buy a camera set-up, so that should make things easier. Also, the move to Toronto should help out, with the trips. I’m selling my car, which eats up all the money that could go towards trips.

Cory Beal wanted me to ask you what it’s like being a sponsored contest rider in Canada?
Well, being a sponsored rider in Canada is totally different than the states, from what I hear. BMX is still growing in Canada, and the exposure isn’t really there yet. It’s awesome for sure, but it’s not like we’re getting flown all over the place to film in crazy locations, or to ride every contest out there. I really wouldn’t even consider myself a contest rider, seeing as I only enter one or two annually.

It seems like you ride mostly park and some street, did you ever race, ride trails, or anything like that? Has those things affected your riding much?
I actually ride a lot more street then I do park, but with these long Canadian winters, I’ve been riding the warehouse a serious amount trying to get my basic park skills down. Like I said before, I started with mountain bikes before BMX, so I never experienced racing or riding trails, which is something I kind of regret. Riding trials (not trails) on mtbs really kind of influenced my style a lot, I think.

Photo: Mike Andrews

You seem to be pretty involved with The Warehouse these days. How did that whole deal come about and is there anything big like contests or anything going on around there?
The warehouse is just a bunch of really good dudes having a good time. It’s like a big family there. I rode there as much as possible last winter (seeing as the next closest indoor was X-wheels in Buffalo), then just became more and more involved with the scene there. Ron threw me a birthday bash for my 19th, which was probably the coolest thing ever. Ever since then, we’ve been really tight. I don’t think there are any big contests going on, but we are having a few big parties within the coming months, namely the Notro after party on the Friday or Saturday of that weekend. Parties at the warehouse are always the most fun ever. It’s just good friends, and sometimes hot girls like to show up. If you’re in the area, swing by and check the place out!

You have a pretty unique style of a lot of big tricks mixed in with some ridiculous tech stuff. What are you more into doing and why?
Ha, up until this winter I was always into staying as close to the ground as possible, so when all my friends were learning how to air and do crazy box jump tricks, I was always riding tiny ass quarters or banks and shit. I always find it really fun to try and do shit that no one else gives a bother trying. Sometimes it works out; sometimes I just look like a fool. And as long as I’m on my bike, I really don’t care what I’m doing. I’m even pumped riding a parking lot full of curb islands, which I do on a regular basis in the summer.

What is the key to getting tech as hell… is it the dreads?
Ha ha, yeah. Having predator hair helps. I don’t know man, patience and having someone like Moxley to ride with a lot helps.

Photo: Mike Fawcett

I am sure somebody will say “prove it”, but what is the craziest set of tricks you have done at one time?
Ha ha, humm, that’s a doozie. I think at last years notro I did luc-e to 180 fuf to footjam to vader to tiretap to pedal to tire tap to footjam to tiretap to pedal to 270. It’s either that or fuf to ice to hop up luc-e to 180 fuf to footjam to tiretap to pedal to 270. I’ve been trying really hard to tone down the dumb-ass tech combos lately, or add more bars/whips to make them less lame, ha ha.

I love them. Never stop.-Cory Beal

I would imagine you have taken a pretty solid beating from BMX, any good crash or injury stories for us?
Umm, other than my shoulders constantly dislocating, I cracked my pelvis once a couple years ago at X-wheels. Jim C showed up, and I was like “wow, he’s real!”. So like any kid, I tried to step up my game in front of him. We started riding a rail there, doing random shit, I called out something and he goes “yeah, do it!”. I ended up missing my back peg trying to go up the rail and sitting on it really hard. The ride home wasn’t fun, lemme tell you. I’m always just hurt with small shit, like any rider. It’s funny because when I consider myself at 100%, any normal person would consider themselves to be at 70 or 80%. BMXers just get used to being broke off.

If you could relive any session or moment on your bike, when would you want to go back to and why?
Probably my first BMX contest, which was the first Ten pack Muskoka woods AM jam. It was an amazing weekend filled with sessions that were too good. I ended up getting 2nd place in the 17 and under category, which was awesome. I know that’s a bunch of sessions/moments, but still. I guess the one moment that really sticks out would be the year after that when I busted the rail out of the course. Last trick of the comp, I was trying to go up this big rail, and I hit one of the up-rights on my way up and the fucking thing fell over. Scared the shit out of me, I felt pretty bad ass though. That pretty much ended the riding, and everyone was pumped.

In your own opinion what is BMX all about? Would you change anything about it?
To be as blunt as possible, BMX is about riding bikes. That’s what people need to remember. Not clothes, or stupid scooter bikes, or internet shit-talk. Just like anyone else with a brain/conscience, I’m really not down with the anonymous bullshit that people post on the net. Those “anonymous” people are the dudes that you just wanna poke in the eye with your thumb, really hard. You should have to write a test to be granted internet access.

Photo: Nick Varney

When you meet somebody new, how do you explain BMX to them?
Ha ha, I had a sweet conversation about this the other day. I basically just name off some of the households, Mirra, Hoffman ect ect, and go from there. I’ve realized that people who are asking these questions don’t give anything remotely close to a fuck about BMX, and are just trying to make conversation for the sake of not having silence or being “nice” or whatever.

When it comes to contests, in your opinion is it about who can do the craziest tricks or the most style?
Craziest tricks, for sure. Video parts are all about making things perfect and stylish. Contests are where you just throw your shit down and see what happens.

Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your riding?
Guys like Ryan Senechal, Mike Gooch, Mike Headford, Silva, the Brokeback crew and a lot of mtb dudes I grew up riding with. I wasn’t exposed to much BMX until a couple years ago, so I was influenced by different people than most riders.

What can people expect out of you or where would you like to take your riding for 2009?
Onward and upward, I suppose. Gonna really try to concentrate on riding this year, rather than working and squeezing riding in where I can. Hopefully weasel my way onto a few road trips, and clock a bunch of footage. Should be a good year.

Photo: Harry Silegren

Who is one pro or person you have never had the opportunity to ride with, that you really would want to?
It would have to be Chris Doyle. Dude seems like he just loves being on his bike, and would be really fun to ride with.

If you came to Kingston Metro you would have got to see him 360 over my head.-Cory Beal

What is it about BMX that keeps you doing it day after day?
The simplicity of it. You can’t go wrong with just rolling out your front door and going for a ride. No coaches to yell at you, no court/rink times to book, no crazy league fees to pay. It’s just so much easier. And plus, chicks think it’s hot.

Photo: Eric Vardy

What do you think you would be doing if you never got into BMX?
Oh jesus, I’d probably be in medical school or something. I’d be an even bigger geek, that’s for sure.

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding or anything?
I work way too much, so that, sitting in front of the computer or hanging out with friends/the girl. I lead a very boring life, which is nice.

I gotta ask how long you are going to let those dreads grow before they get the cut?
Ha ha, that’s a hard one man. I honestly think about just shaving my head every couple days. They’re such a fucking bother sometimes. I’d regret it as soon as they were all off my head, I know it. I’ll probably trim them fairly soon, but who knows when they’ll be actually gone.

Photo: Eric Vardy

About how many fights have you been in, in your day? Ever spent time behind bars for anything?
I’ve never been in a fight in my life. I’m super non-confrontational, and a big wuss. I went to a jail on an elementary school trip once, that’s about as close as I got.

Your name is real unique. Do you know why your parents named you that or what kind of ethnicity is it? Anything really to explain it.
Well, my dad is from Nigeria, so my siblings and I all have authentic Nigerian names (as well as Canadian names). His best friend growing up had the same name, but he lost contact with him during a civil war, so he named me after him as a tribute. Pops is good shit, he’s got stories for miles. Just for the record, I’m half Nigerian, half Newfie. How fucked up is that?

A good night of partying consists of…
Chillin at home with some good friends, twisting one and watching a new video or movie. I fucking hate parties, usually. Too many people in one spot gets me real antsy. I’m always that weird dude sitting by himself in the corner contemplating punching all the drunk retards in the face. I don’t drink, so it’s hard to deal with sloppy people.

Who would win in a fight between Barbara Walters and Cher?
Cher, hands down.

What is one thing you really wish or know you should do less of?
Eat shitty food. It really takes a toll on your body and how you feel. My mom is always yelling at me for eating Mcdonalds and shit. My friends are always making fun of me for eating ridiculous amounts of candy in one sitting.

This one time you were tripping balls and you… (I have no idea if you like to party that hard or not, but why not?)
Put on an hour long drum and bass mix. That shit can make your dreams come true if you’re in the right state of mind. Clipping your nails is pretty crazy too. I told you I don’t get out much.

Getting blazed and hearing that YOU GOT MAIL, MOTHAFUCKA was also deece.- Cory Beal

Photo: Ryan Senechal

What is the worst thing you have spent your money on recently? What is the best thing?
They’re actually both one in the same. I bought 5 pairs of jeans the other day. I’m switching back over to guy pants from girl pants. It’s good because they actually fit me and I don’t look retarded anymore, but it’s bad because I could have paid off the visa or done something “responsible”.

Are you currently living the pro dream due to the new sponsors or do you work or go to school at all?
Ha, not even close. I work a ton, have zero cash and do nothing exciting ever. But, I can’t really complain.

Do you spend much time on the internet? Any favorite websites?
Yeah, way too much time. The Come Up, repset,,, bikeguide, all that crap.

First song to come to mind? Any reason why?
Assjackin’ by Flyzzard, just because it’s playing. I’m at work right now, and I always put on those long ass mixes I was talking about so I don’t have to rush back and change the song when something bad comes on.

Top 3 favorite video parts ever?
Wiz’s or Corey’s part in Wide Awake Nightmare, Jonah Lidberg’s part in Drop The Hammer, and Jared Washington’s part in Can I eat.

About how many girls have you had relations with in the last year?
Definitely not as many as Cory, that’s for sure. Dude is too good with the ladies.

In a given year about how much do you spend on condoms and abortions?
Ha, implying that I actually get laid on any sort of a regular basis, not very much. And I’m pretty sure abortions are free until the 4th one, ha ha. True north, strong and free, homie.

Is that really true? How did I go my whole life without knowing that? Way cheaper than child support. – Cory Beal

Have you ever set anything on fire intentionally? How awesome was that?
Oh most definitely. I think it’s an integral part of growing up as a boy. You’re just not normal if you don’t light shit up from time to time. I set shit on fire/blow shit up on a weekly basis. You’ll know what I’m talking about if you work at a bikeshop during the winter.

If you could have the ability to do or control anything in your life, what would you pick and why?
If I could actually make myself chill out from time to time, that’d be wicked. Ask anyone I know, they’ll say I’m way too stressed and high strung about shit. That or fly.

Photo: Jaclyn Cohen

If you could change anything about the world, what would you change and why?
Fuck, that’s a loaded one. I dunno, it’d be rad if girls were to come up to guys and start shit, not vice versa. I’d be so much more set.

I never approach girls, you gotta work on the swagger.-Cory Beal

What is the best advice you have ever been given? “Double pegs are the exact same thing as a bitch run”
I believe the direct quote is just ‘double pegs are bitch runs’. He [Silva] told me this when I asked him what it would take to be in the ICC, and he said I gotta do three rail tricks first try on a real rail. Double pegs are bitch runs so they don’t count, and icepicks are a park rider’s rail trick so they don’t count either. Hahah. –Cory Beal

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Hell yeah. You for giving me this opportunity, my non riding friends and family, Jay, Terry and everyone at ten pack, Jason at volume/demolition, my boys at TBZ, Jordan Savas, Silva, Cory at Repset, Ronnie and the entire warehouse crew, brokeback, (All of those people/crews are fam for life) Orillia crew, my girl, anyone who’s helped me out along the way, thanks. You all know who you are.

Anything else you would like to say?
“We’ll do it live! Fuck it!!”

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