
Here’s one we’ve been waiting to see! Colony BMX have just released their full-length “Take A Ticket” video online for everyone’s viewing pleasure! It’s not every day we get a 100% park video these days, but it’s a reaaaaally good change of pace from what we see pretty much every day. The Colony squad spent a year stacking clips for this one, and as expected there’s so much crazy riding that you won’t want to miss. The video has Cooper Brownlee behind the film work, so you know this one is easy on the eyes, too! Hit play and take a look at this, because it’s definitely a Must See BMX video!

For a year or so now we’ve been filming for a few video projects, “Take a Ticket” was one of those projects! Full sections from Zac Dangerfield, Jayden Fuller, Clint Millar, Paterico Fallico, Alex Hiam and Chris James. Along with a mix section with Jake Wallwork, Paulo Sacaki, Koby Clayton, Marcel Gans, Konstantin Andreev and Dean Anderson.
Shot and cut by Cooper Brownlee. Additional filming from Jayden Fuller, Clint Millar, Paterico Fallico and Pat Freyne.
” – Colony BMX