After working hard on filming for the Colony DVD we wanted to play around with a web edit series that was a bit more relaxed, so the deal is…. The rider picks out a spot or park they enjoy riding and then they film ten clips at that spot. No pressure, just keep it fun and do things they enjoy doing.

Marnold messaged me one Friday evening keen to ride but we had no idea what to hit up, so I mentioned the ten clips plan and we thought out a couple spots that we could light up. We had never lit up a spot in a school before so we didn’t know how it was going to go down. We waited until about 7pm rolled in there with all the gear set-up and it was game on. There was a cleaner floating about on the grounds but he didn’t seem fazed at all by what we were doing so maybe we got lucky that night.

Filmers: Cooper Brownlee (fisheye) Luke Vandenberg (long lens)

Edited by: Cooper Brownlee.” – Colony

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