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Come to Andre’s jam!!!

If you’re a San Diegoian or live anywhere in So Cal, be sure to come to Andre’s for a kickass jam!! Bring that bike and shred or just swoop on by and hang out with everyone. Its going to be a damn good time!

After 5 years of shreddin, Andre, the dude behind the SBL Edits, has to say goodbye to his backyard ramps in National City. The ramps brought plenty of good sessions to all the local dudes down there and though the ramps had times when they were out commission and dilapidated, they will most certainly be missed. We’re going to have goodies flying out from some kickass companies and I’m going to be bringing tons of good food for the BBQ and beverages of the alcoholic and edge variety. Give D! dudes will be shreddin the ramps, partying, serving up food, shoutin out on the mic and putting holes in every ramp! I may even throw down for a 69 dollar best trick, high air or gnarliest dude contest, it all just depends on the turnout… So everyone come down to National City for the day and have a good time!

The Date: December 13th

The Time: Noon till dark. Show up early or late. None of this matters!

Location: Corner of 16th and E st. National City, CA 91950

Other questions? Contact Andre via Myspace… Andre’s Space

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