Categories: bike check

Cookie Bike Check


Cookie BMXCookie BMX
Photo: MPHotographic

Cookie is one of the legendary grind wizards hailing from the U.K. This past year he has made some moves with joining The Make and as of just the other week, Animal‘s U.K team. Recently, he had his bike stolen, which sucks, but it also means he had the chance to build up a brand new bike. Take a peek at what makes up this 4 pegged beast and then find out a little bit more about what Cookie is up to these days…

Name: Cookie

Location: The Tanners Bar, Newcastle upon Tyne

Sponsors: The Make, ANML UK, DUB BMX, T2S

Years riding: About 11 years

Frame: The Make Cat o’ Nine Tails, 20.5”

Bars: The Make Damn Bars

Forks: ANML Barrett

Cookie BMXCookie BMX
Photo: MPHotographic

Stem: The Make prototype top loader

Grips: The Make Death Hand

Headset: United

Cranks: ANML Akimbo

Photo: MPHotographic

Chain: MK YBN 918 half link

Sprocket: The Make Ring of Fire

Pedals: ANML Hamilton Plastic

Seat / Post / Clamp: ANML Nigel sig/United/no clamp

Front Wheel / Tire: ANML Javalin Hub on ANML RS rim/ ANML TWW 2.0

Rear Wheel / Tire: ANML Javalin Hub on ANML RS rim/ ANML TWW 2.0

Pegs: 4 x ANML Mk3 Light

Hub guards: United

Brakes? Emericas

Mods: Bars Cut Down, Frame Painted Java Green by Montana 94

Photo: MPHotographic

What’s your favorite piece of your bike? Any reason why?
The Pegs, cranks and tires. They attach themselves to rails real nice

What’s the oldest part on your bike? How is it holding up?
It’s all completely brand new, my bike was stolen about 6 weeks ago and when there was no sign of it turning up, I was kindly sorted parts to build a new bike. Literally the best bike I’ve had my entire life.

What do you go through the most of? Any reason why?
Spokes and hubs. Besides sometimes getting my sketch on, it’s usually because no one is around to hold the back end open while putting my wheel in with the hub guard on. This results in spoke and flange obliteration on the 3rd grind.

How are things going with The Make these days? I’d imagine there’s some sort of trip on the way? Anything else you are getting excited for?
The Make is sweet, I’d known Orlando well before he asked me to ride for his company and I’ve rode and been good friends with the Count for a long time. So it seemed natural to ride for the Make as good bonds were already in place.
I hear of something secret being brewed up by Orlando for next year so hopefully it’s something exotic! I’ve been getting excited when it’s dry and not windy on a day off work at the moment as I missed the end of summer without a bike.

Photo: James Newrick

So you were just picked up by Animal. How did that all come about? Do you have anything going on with them yet?
I received a text message from Benson while he was in NYC shooting for Edwin’s interview for the Albion.
Basically Bob Scerbo had heard my bike had been stolen and wanted to help out.
I was over the moon as I’d always loved a lot of the NYC/NJ riding ever since watching Base Brooklyn, DQYDJ and of course the first ANML VHS.
From there Bob and Ian at 4down sorted it out and I received some fresh parts to go with my Make stuff.
Just to be asked to ride for them and run the parts is an honor so I’ll be patient as to see where it goes from here.

Any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
That pretty much covers it with The Make and ANML.

Can we expect any sort of welcome to the team edit, or just an edit in general out of you any time soon? How about video parts?
I’m not sure about a welcome to the team or anything as I haven’t been asked. I’ve filmed a decent amount for James Newrick’s new video. I’m guessing the DUB video will be out soonish as well but I’ve never had much access to a HD cam so I’ve got next to nothing for that and Orlando’s only just started collecting footage for the new Make project.

I’d imagine the weather will be heading south here soon over there like it is here. What are your plans for the winter? Anywhere warm you want to make a trip to?
The Weather here never really got going, it’s a bad sign that I only had one BBQ all summer and that was on a beach in the rain for my mates stag do.
A few of us have booked up to go to Malaga in November to break up the winter a little bit as last year’s was a nightmare.

Photo: steve@ 4130 Photography

Where have you been spending most of your time riding these days? Any hot spots you have been psyched on?
Just looking for new jibs in and around Newcastle, the wasteland is dying a death as the grind block was demolished and flat bar seems to stay sticky no matter how much it gets waxed. The up rail that Pete Greaves cemented in at 5 bridges in Gateshead is good for dodging the rain but not the wind or getting snaked.

I know you are a grind wizard, but what’s one trick you can’t do for the life of you?
Never pulled a whip and my table or turndown attempts are closer to comedy than clicked.

What have you been up to outside of riding?
I went to a sweet festival called Aquasella in the north of Spain at the start of August. Besides that, working in the Bar, painting a few pieces here and there, messing with tunes on Ableton live and trying to mix techno on the decks.
I’ve also been seeking out footage for a new Team 2 Street edit for Newrick’s vid, should be a laugh.

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched and website you visited?
I’ve been messing with the T2S edit so probably a Mr. Oizo track or a loop I’ve made. The film was unfortunately The Invention of Lying which was so bad I felt like I should lie now and say I’d never watched it and therefore it would be Rumblefish. I was on Tumblr checking out my friends stuff that I follow.
Check mine at

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Big thanks to Orlando/The Make, Bob/ANML and Ian/4 Down for getting me back rolling. Also big thanks to seventies for their support over the years.

Anything else you want to say?
Get some pegs or DO ONE!

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