Courage Adams – World Record Nose Manual


Courage Adams set the world record for the longest nose manual!

If there was one guy that we expected to set the world record for the longest nose manual, it’s definitely Courage Aams. Well, it’s now official after he did a 400 METER long one (1312.34 feet!). Here’s a video showing Courage making it happen. We’re not sure if it was a Guiness World Record official one or not, but it looked like the setup we’ve seen for other records. Either way, there’s no doubt that it’s a record. Check this out!

What a good day to make a world record LOL… I’m soooooo stoked to present “400m”, our new project based on a nose manual world record produced and managed by @encouragedprod. Well to be honest, I don’t really have words to describe how tough was this one. I know it may look easy and simple but for sure 100% this is one of the most difficult challenges I have ever faced. It was so hard for the body but even harder for my mind. Thanks to this project, I’ve developed a new level of perseverance and consistency in the face of purposes. I’m glad there’s a making-Of-ViD coming soon to describe how intense it was. Thank you all for the support as always and I just want to say that:

“Consistency is the new key to Balance”
-Produced/Management by:
@encouragedprod –
-Featuring by: @courageadams –
-Filmer/Editor by: –
-Photography by: @miguel_espejo9 –” – Courage Adams

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