The guys at Cult have been working on a race frame for aa little while now and it’s finally available. Along with that, they have added Vick Behm to their line up to represent Cult at the track. Here’s Vick’s first video where we learn a little more about him and catch some riding from the track to the trails and more. Hit play and take it all in!

Racing has always been in Cults blood between Robbie Morales and Neal Wood. Bring their roots back into to the sort could only be done with some who fits what cult is about, love of riding, doing your best and not listening to anyone. Well… introducing Vick Behm on the Cult Race Frame tick all those boxes and more. Look to see him shredding all of the US and I hope you get to know what’s Vick’s about from this video. Frames will be available soon. Check out for more info” – Cult

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