
There’s something about Dan Boiski’s riding that is just top notch. Dan isn’t the kind of rider that is constantly putting out footage and because of that we know when his name surfaces it’s going to be packed with amazing riding that is well worth a look. Ride UK dropped this new video featuring footage that was filmed while shooting photos for a feature in the magazine a while back. You should hit play on this… You won’t regret it.

Dan Boiski covered the contents pages of issue 190 a couple months back. While out on the photo mission with Robin Pearson, Ben Green was filming. They managed to stack a bunch of clips for an exclusive edit with us today.

Boiski has been on the scene for a fair few years now riding for United, Premier, Animal and the like. Always coming up with stylish ways to throw himself down rails, he’s quality to watch. Go make a cup of the old cha and grab that tin of bourbons from the cupboard, hit play and enjoy some good honest UK street. Perfic…”


Photo by Robin Pearson

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