Originally, this edit was supposed to be a summer edit……but the fact England didn’t actually have a summer this year, coupled with the fact I managed to hit a festival pretty much every weekend in the “summer” and exhaust my overdraft, resulted in a very neglected couple of months for my camera.
Nevertheless, Chunky was keen to get the edit finished before the winter kicked in and the days started getting cold, dewey and dark.
We managed to finish filming by cramming in every evening, day and early starts on any second I wasn’t at work, unfortunately my camera started to become temperamental and in the end, broke…..but despite this fact, we managed to get everything and this was the finished product.

I’d like to say thanks to Mark Webb for hospitality as always and letting us film at the newly refurbished Ghetto Shed.

Filmed and Edited by Ross Penny.

Filmed on: Canon 60D w/ Canon 50mm f/1.8, Sigma 30mm f/1.4 and Samyang 8mm Fisheye f/3.5

Song: Los Campesinos – You! Me! Dancing! (edited)


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